The finale

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*so you all deserve better than what I am about to give you at 1am from my phone but you also deserve an ending. It's been a long time with this book and with the end of the most recent Boruto episodes it feels like now is the time to end it. This will most likely mean the end of my other books as well as I doubt I will be writing any more on Wattpad. It's been a fun time and hope y'all enjoy

*Narutos POV

"Things are about to get a lot harder" I said as the smoke began to clear revealing a body that was a similar shape to Madara but was all white with pure black orbs floating around his back

'Kurama any idea what just happened' I asked the biju

'He absorbed the ten tails becoming its jinchuriki' He said back seeming a bit panicked

"Bee be carful" I tried to yell but Madara was already at him. With a swift strike Bee and the eight tails were knocked to the ground. Bee must have lost consciousness because his form began to recede as Madara stood on top of him crushing his throat with his foot

"Come here my little nine tailed pet, you were one of the only people who could entertain me. Let's play some more." He shouted at me as he kicked Bees body aside and out of the way. I condensed Kuramas chakra avatar until it was just the cloak around me.

"No more playing" I said as I started weaving some hand signs. Unsure if it would work I released the summoning jutsu. From 10 different points about a mile apart in a large circle puffs of smoke could be seen from a distance as 10 giant roads were summoned each given large kunai to plant into the ground. Madara seeming confused by this looked at me

"Little far away to be of any help" he said with a smirk as he dove at me. He was fast, almost faster than my eyes could track but my nerves were faster as without any hand signs or kunai I teleported behind him and out of the way as he left a crater where I once stood.

"The summoning toads did their job you are now in my domain" I said looking back at him before teleporting up to him and putting my fist in his chest. He recoiled at the blow but didn't seem to move his footing as he retaliated back with another blow. This one grazed past my cheek leaving a gash from the force

"You 'domain' isn't enough for me child" he boasted "I have achieved something not done since the age of the sage of six paths do you really think that you can stand next to me?" He said motioning to his new form. With that two of the black orbs shot towards me. I dodged out of the way of both but one torn a hole through the chakra cloak

'Be careful Naruto' Kurama said 'if one of those hits you it's over' he said. Taking it up a notch I summoned a handful of clones that all engages Madara while I stood back waiting to receive the data from the destroyed clones. They were all beaten swiftly and there was minimal data to be gathered because all he used was taijutsu.

"Please this is child play" he said as he crushed the last one underfoot "show me the ferocity I saw back in the desert or need I speak I'll of you father again" he smiled. Remaining calm I took a step back

"Fine" I said as I made a rasengan in one hand and held my fathers kunai in the other "this end now". I threw myself over to him as we went back and forth for what seemed like forever. Madara threw out one life ending jutsu after the other as I zipped around him trying to land a hit. There was one time I managed to get myself under him with his back to me. Taking that chance I teleported side to side to build up energy before I shot straight into the air piercing his side with the lightning that followed. Now bleeding from his side me and Madara both panting we both seemed to stop for a moment to take a break

"You are strong. One of the strongest I have fought" he said as he touched the wound at his side "but I'm done playing now teleporter" as he said this I felt my body being pulled towards him as one of the black orbs turned into a rod that pierced his hand. The jutsu I recognized from my fight with Nagato but this one drew me in to quickly I wasn't able to teleport thanks to my lack of chakra at this point. After man Strong attacks and me setting up a mile wide domain over the area but me and Kurama were running on dry. I braved myself for the rod to pierce me but saw Madaras eyes flick to the side before pain jolted through his body. The sound of a thousand birds could be heard coming from his chest

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