Revival of the beast

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*Naruto's POV
"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouchy" I yelled as I collapsed in pain. It was as if every cell in my body was working in over time heating up my whole body

"Naruto you idiot" some yelled as I felt their foot steps come closer. Soon a mop of pink hair was looking down on me with tears in her eyes.

"Hey Sakura," I said smiling "can I get a little help her, it hurt like a lot," I groan as I tried to role over.

"You deserve it for dying on us," she said as she let out a laugh. I saw the familiar green glow as relief rushed over my body.

"She's right" Gaara said as he floated down on his pedestal of sand

"Gaara," I said with relief "get everyone ready, we have trouble coming," I grunted as I managed to sit myself up

"I feel the power to, but I don't recognize the chakra" he said as he once again went back to floating above everyone to get a better vantage point.

"It's the real Madara Uchiha," I said "He has already taken out the five Kage" I said which caused Sakura to gasp and Gaara to tense up a bit.

"He is here" Gaara said as he began to accumulate a large portion of sand in front of the shinobi force behind us. By this point I managed to limp my way out of the crater with Sakura's help. As I gazed over the horizon I saw the familiar image of a man in red armor with eyes that could kill. As I locked eyes with him I managed to make out his hand signs

"GAARA WALL QUICK" I yelled and Gaara had already begun creating a large blockade in front of us. Gaara barely had enough time to cement the sand he had up in time to guard against the massive heat wave crashing into it. The blast was enough to send a few flying and most to lose their balance. Gaara's sand wall was almost blown away by that singular blast.

"What is this power," Gaara questioned as he panted

"The power of a god" a voice said from behind him. Everyone looked in shock to see Madara standing right behind Gaara. Gaara tried to react but was met with a swift jab to the stomach which cause him to cough up blood. With kunai in hand Madara was going for Gaara's throat.

'Shit' I though as I teleported to Gaara grabbing on to his hip and teleporting him away with micro seconds spare.

"Interesting" Madara said as Gaara's sand pedestal began to crumble from underneath him.

"I haven't found someone capable of matching my speed since Harhirama," he said as he brushed off his shoulder pads. "But I think I know that juts I, I think it's the one Tobirama developed yes, but you, you have mastered it and taken it to the next level," he taunted as I stood ready for his next attack.

"Show me you limit teleporter," he said as he bolted forward. Sand shot out from under our feet as his fist met my forearm stopping it dead in its tracks. My arm twitches under the pressure of his fist but I stood firm

"Power and speed, you may prove more interesting then those pitiful excuse for Kage" he said as the pressure from his fist was lifted as he spun around for a kick. Once again I managed to block with crossed arms but was sent flying back.

'What is this power I feel' I thought to myself think how normally I would never be able to move at this speed without teleporting

"It's because of me stupid" Kurama said from inside my mindscape. "No cage to prevent my chakra from freely flowing through you body" he said smirking "now kick his ass". I gave Kurama a small nod and a smirk as I found my footing in the sand and threw myself into the battle. Kunai in hand I went for the kill, and to no surprise I missed the throat as he stepped to the side yet I managed to graze his cheek.

"Well done" he said as his sharingan spun faster "but this is where you luck ends" he said as as he knocked me aside sending me spiraling through the sand. I manage to right myself with enough time to block his upper cut. Even though I managed to block the punch I felt it ripple through my body as I shot up into the air. Taking the opportunity I threw as many kunai as I could encompassing the largest are I could. As I landed on the ground I swiftly drew some seals into the sand and with a faint glow the circle I created lit up a light blue.

"Now the fun starts" I said as I whisked away. I first teleported Behind him trying to strike the back of his head but remaining in place he blocked the attack. Before our two hands even met I teleported in front of him attempting to sweep his legs out from underneath him  but he jumped over my legs but didn't manage to land before I once again teleported behind him kicking him in the back sending him face first into the sand. Next with rasengan in hand I teleported above him slamming it into his back and teleported a fair distance away as he began to stand up laughing as he began to regenerate due to the reanimating jutsu.

"Very good, very good. I am going to have to go full out," he said with a smirk across his face.

"Same here," I said smirking as I charged a rasenshuriken on my hand

"Prepare yourself boy, you have faired better than most," he said as he prepares for my attack. We both stood in place waiting for the first one to make the move. With a small twitch of his right eye I threw my rasenshuriken. I flew towards his as he stuck his arm out as if to catch it

"Are you prepared to see the eyes of god"


What two chapters after disappearing forever. I felt very inspired after re reading the graphic novel that inspired me to start writing in the first place so lots of inspiration juice... and it's almost 3 am

Night y'all

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