Finding myself

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*Naruto's POV

Once the Uchiha left mom to let out a sigh of relief as she slumped her shoulders.

"That was close," she said as she placed a plate of food in front of me.

"Yeah thank you for the food," I said as I ate as obnoxiously as I could to try and get into character.

"Hey slow down" Mom yelled at me as she threw her wooden spoon at me. I caught it mid-air and tried to talk to her with my mouth full of eggs. She started laughing and after I finished eating I started laughing too. I grabbed my stuff and went outside waving goodbye to mom. I ran to where I was told to meet with the rest of my team.

"Morning Kakashi sensei" I yelled as I ran up to him

"GOOD MORNING NARUTO ARE YOU READY FOR A YOUTHFUL AND EXTRAVAGANT DAY!" Kakashi sensei yelled as he gave me a thumbs up.

"Yeah," I said as I jumped into the air and landed right in front of him.

"Morning Sakura," I said to her as I flashed a smile at her

"Morning you seem back to normal today," She said

"Yeah I just felt a little off that's all" I lied as I held my stomach "Where is that bastard Sasuke," I said as I looked around in the crowd.

"Late as normal, probably stuck with a bunch of fangirls," She said as she crossed her arms in frustration

"What are you talking about you pink bitch" I heard Sasuke say from above us. He was sitting on top of a building near us.

"Hey don't call Sakura a bitch you bastard" I yelled at him with a scowl

"Tsk dumb ass who do you think you are talking to," He said as he jumped down to our level

"I'm talking to some red-eyed bastard who is getting a little too cocky," I said with an evil smile as he walked up to me and grabbed the front of my shirt.

"THIS IS GREAT THE POWER OF A YOUTHFUL RIVALRY LETS TAKE THIS TO THE TRAINING GROUND," Kakashi said as he went to a handstand and ran off.

"God he is insane," Sasuke said as he ran after him. Sakura ran after him and I just laughed and teleported to the training ground and beat everyone there. ONce they got there out of breath Kakashi explained how we will be doing 1 on 1 combat training.

"Ok Naruto you will be fighting Sasuke first is that ok," Kakashi asked as he stared at me. He was trying to tell me something. We walked into the center of the field and stared at each other. I was for only a moment but I felt it. Someone else chakra except I knew this chakra. Itachi Uchiha. They were watching to see if I would slip up. I snickered as Kakashi yelled for us to begin. Saskue weaved some hand signs and shot a fireball at me. I weaved some hand signs of my own and shot my own fireball. The two collided and created a cloud of smoke. I ran into the smoke and flowed the glow of red that was Sasuke's Sharingan. Once the smoke cleared everyone saw me and Sasuke crossing blades. His katana was crossed with my kunai and we both struggled to gain control. I knocked his katana aside and dived in towards him. He knocked my hand aside and jumped back. Before he could regain his footing I was throwing a flurry of punches at him. I dropped down to sweep his legs but he jumped into the air shooting another fireball at me. I jumped back and he went on the offensive shooting a dozen fireballs at the ground beneath my feet. I kept jumping back until the volley stopped. I threw a kunai at him as I rushed towards him. He deflected the kunai and ran at me. He threw a right punch which I blocked leaving his right side open to me. I sent a punch towards his right kidney but missed as Sasuke buckled his knee to get beneath me. I heard the crack of lightning as Sasuke twisted his body and shot his hand up towards my gut. I leaned away from his Chidori as I placed my hand on the ground to brace my body as I pushed away and jumped at him aiming a punch to his gut while he was on the ground. He rolled to the side and I punched the ground creating another crater in the ground. Before the dirt could clear from the air Sasuke threw the shurikens at me which I caught and threw back along with a teleportation kunai. He blocked the shuriken with my kunai which he caught. I teleported to him so I was standing over him with my kunai held to his throat. The smoke cleared and I heard a cheer from Sakura as me and Sasuke tried to catch our breath. I shot a glance towards the tree line as I saw and ANBU mask flicker from sight

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