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*Naruto's POV

'This is for you dad' I thought as I jumped at the last 3 Uchiha. Sasuke and Itachi lunged at me both drawing a weapon of some kind. Sasuke drew his sword as Itachi pulled out a kunai. I threw my kunai between to the two of them. They both stopped in their tracks and spun towards the kunai. Sasuke swung his sword low as Itachi threw his kunai where my head should have been when I teleported. I teleported to my kunai parallel to the ground making Itachi's kunai fly over my head and Sasuke's attack go underneath me. My kunai kept traveling backward so I teleported to it throwing a kunai at the two Uchiha brothers. Itachi threw a kunai to intercept it while Sasuke used a long-range Chidori to cut it down. As Sasuke's Chidori shrunk in size I pulled out four kunai and threw them in various locations around us. Sasuke was the first to move as I threw my four kunai. His Chidori crackled through the air as he aimed it at my chest. I teleported away to one of my kunai that I just threw. As I appeared near my kunai I was met by Itachi swinging his kunai at my neck. I was able to hinge my back enough so the kunai only cut the tips of my bangs as my hair stood on end. I took a step back to regain my balance as Itachi's momentum kept him forward. I looked to shove a Rasengan into his stomach but had to teleport away as Sasuke almost hit me with another Chidori. I now stood at one of my kunai planted in the ground with a Rasengan still in hand. I turned to see Sasuke charging at me again with his Chidori just grazing the ground making it split open. I ran at him with my Rasengan throwing a kunai at him. He extended his Chidori cutting the blade from the handle making the two pieces fly apart from each other. As we both extended our arms out for our Jutsu's to coiled I disappeared. I reappeared at the handle that was separated from the blade that was now on the ground at a few feet away from Sasuke's side. I changed the nature of my Rasengan and threw it at him. He went wide eyes as he wasn't able to change his momentum enough to block or evade. Itachi quickly jumped in front of his brother as a red aura surrounded him. My rasenshuriken coiled with the red aura making it enlarge into a whiteish blue dome that engulfed the two Uchiha. As the dust cleared I stood there shocked to see Itachi and Sasuke standing there with some kind of red skeleton like armor. Muscles and armor along with a sword and shield emerged from the skeleton as a steady stream of blood came from both of Itachi's eyes. I teleported out of the way as the red warrior swung his sword destroying the ground beneath me. I threw my kunai at a blind spot on the skeleton and teleported to it as It flew over its collarbone. I stabbed my kunai into a kink in the armor, but my kunai still snapped in half. I grunted in pain as the skeletal hand grabbed me around my stomach pinning one of my arms down. I was brought towards the warriors head as I tried to wiggle my way out. I looked into the warrior's eyes and snicked as I puffed away leaving a log covered in explosive tags I had created before the fight. I was standing by one of my kunai as the explosion went off a few meters away. As the smoke cleared again I could still see the red aura of the warrior except the armor was gone leaving its skeletal frame covered in muscle. My smile turned to a frown as I threw a kunai high above the head to the red skeleton which Sasuke and Itachi are yet to emerge from. I teleported to it once it was high above the ground throwing dozens of kunai around in a circle around Sasuke and Itachi. The warrior turned from red to purple as the impenetrable defense dropped for a moment I could see Itachi slump to his hands and knees with blood dripping off his face. The now purple skeleton pulled out a crossbow as it shot arrow after arrow at me in the air. I teleported back to the ground before one of them could hit me. I stood still for a moments before my movements blurred and I teleported around in a circle around the crossbow-wielding warrior. He shot at me a few times ultimately missing and sending my kunai and dirt flying into the air, but before he could knock out enough of my kunai it was too late

"Flying thunder god: two-step" I yelled out as lightning arced from all around the circle hitting the skeleton like it was a lightning rod. The skeleton seemed to scream out in pain as layer by layer disappeared from it until it was just a small rib cage surrounding Sasuke and Itachi. They were both bleeding from their eyes as Itachi struggled to stand up. I was struggling to stand myself after my last attack. I drew out my last two kunai as the purple rib cage around Sasuke dissipated leaving the two of them unguarded. Sasuke drew his sword again as Itachi tried to bring back his red shield. I threw one of my kunai at Sasuke. He stared wide eye as I teleported to and raised my kunai. He was defenseless as blood squirted across my smiling face. Sasuke blocked my flying kunai as he watched me slice Itachi's throat. There was so much blood that came out of the wound after the initial attack. I had sliced from mid left chest across his throat. He fell to the ground almost lifeless immediately as I stood over top of his dead body. I could hear Sasuke's screaming in the back of my head as I looked down at the body.

'One down, Two to go' I thought as I turned to face Sasuke. I was hit with black flames as I turned around. The flames quickly engulfed my cloak as I quickly threw it off. As I finally got it off I was met with a punch to the face. I was sent flying backward tumbling on the ground a few times as I rolled across the ground. As I stood up I felt a sharp, numbing pain go through my right chest as Sasuke ripped his hand through to my shoulder blade. He lifted me into the air glaring at me with a greater hatred then I have ever seen from him before. His eyes pulsed as I was put into a genjutsu. I was nailed to a cross at I saw Sasuke walked up to me hanging there.

"You will pay," He said as his head snapped up at me. Two sharingans stared me down as my throat began to burn. The genjutsu was broken as I teleported away.

"NARUTO" Someone yelled. I looked up to see Hinata standing in my kitchen. I waved my hand at her as I tried to take another step forward, but fell forward as I backed out


Sorry, really late update. I knew what I wanted this chapter to be like, but I just struggled to find time between school starting back up, and binging Attack on Titan (Like that has been the last week of my life :) so.... sorry I guess. I will work on the next chapter tonight, but I won't pst right away so be on the lookout

Oh and hope everyone was able to get their characters made for the new Naruto to Boruto Shinobi striker game today. My computer is shit and can't run it but would love to see your characters you created

night Y'all 

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