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"Who are they from?"

Rosie was frozen, it was like reading that card had scared the absolute shit out of her.

"Rosie?" I call her name softly, scared of how still and pale she had become. "Who are the flowers from?"

It takes her a while to react. She sort of just folds the card back up and slips it back into the envelope. I lean forwards slightly, trying to catch a glimpse of the handwriting on the paper, maybe I could recognise it. but, this hurts more than I thought it would so I quickly retract with a gasp.

"We need to throw these out." Her eerily calm voice came as a shock to me. I expected her to freak out because of how scared she looked when she opened the card. But she simply just opened the window and tossed the flowers down three levels, her face still pale and shaken.

"Were they from him?"

My blood runs cold when she nods her head. James sent me flowers? Does he want to hurt me again?

"I've still got the card..." she pulls it out of her pocket, placing it into her bag before wheeling me close to my bed. It take a bit of effort but I manage to stand up and climb back into bed, Rosie sliding right in after me.

Her arms encircle around my body and instantly I feel safe. Of course my mind is still racing with the thoughts of what this man could still do, but Rosie's warm body against mine pushes my terrified feelings aside for a moment.

"He won't touch you again, baby... I'm here." Her soft whispers in my ear, the way her arms wrap around me. I love her.

"I'm scared that he's going to hurt me again. But I worry about you more. I don't want him touching you or making you feel how he did once."

Her chest rises as she inhales, her breathing shaky.

"If something happens... which it won't! But if it does..." Her voice trails off and a tear rolls down her cheek. The perfect drop bursting on my arm. "... I love you. I love you so much I can't even describe what it feels like. But I've never loved someone the way that I love you".

I reach over slowly and take her hand and carefully latch onto her small fingers. My heart hurts right now. I'm scared about what could happen for us.

"I love you too. Always."

Her grip around me tightens and I can feel her trying to hold back the tears as she buries her head in the side of my neck.

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