What do we do?

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"How does he even know you're in Australia? Or that you teach here?" Lisa took the phone from my hands, examining the text messages. I had finally told her after I realised who it was.

All I can do is shake my head and bite my lip. "But Lis, he knows about us. James is a really violent person and I have the marks to prove it.

"What do we do?" Her voice is quiet and unsure when she looks up at me, a glossy cover over her eyes shows that she was trying to hold back tears. "Are we going to break up?"

I purse my lips and hug her, bringing her close to my chest so I can hold her. Fighting away tears, and unsure of my answer. "I don't know baby." Her fragile frame clings to me. "But I know that he isn't afraid of outing us. So we have to be really careful okay? No more going out, or coming to visit me before school. We'll meet here or at your place... I can't risk it". Although her head has disappeared into my chest, I can still feel her tiny nod.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

"Yes please..." I release her and pull her into my bedroom. Letting her sit on the bed while I turn on the taps to the bathtub, my head still spinning as the hot water touches my fingertips.

I ponder back into my bedroom, Lisa still staring at the floor in the exact same position that I left her in. "Come on, baby." I pull her up and guide her to the bathroom, her face unreadable.

It doesn't take me long to strip myself of all of my clothes, peeling off one item at a time while Lisa watches me. Standing there naked while Lisa is still fully clothed, her eyes on my body.

I reach forward and fiddle with the buttons of her flannel, undoing one at a time until I'm able to slide it down over her arms. Her pale skin is so soft and warm.

With her shoes and socks kicked off upon her arrival, I can skip that and go straight to her jeans, unbuttoning them and pulling down the zipper until she able to step out of them

"Can I?" I secure my fingers around the hook of her bra, ready to pull it off if she says so.

"You don't have to ask Rosie"

I strip the rest of her clothes from her petite frame and pull her down to sit with me in the hot water.

Normally, if I had Lisa naked in front of me, I'd be soaking wet and throwing myself at her, desperate for her to touch me. But, today was different. All I could do was stare at her, taking in every little thing in case I had to part with it.

She leans her head back into my chest and I wrap my arms around her from behind, giving me the chance to kiss her neck right under her ear. "I love you so much..."

She sniffles and a single tear slips down her cheek, causing a small plop as it falls down into the bath water. It comes on so quickly, one second it's only one tear and the next it's many, her body shaking as silent sobs rack her body.

"Baby it's okay.... shhhhh it's okay." I coo in her ear, fighting hard to keep my own voice from breaking. I pull the little figure in my arms as close as possible, as if I were trying to mould her to my body. "Nothing will happen to us okay? I promise"

She pushes herself up and turns around, and when I see her tear stained face, I can feel my heart clench. She pulls herself up into my lap, straddling my waist, her core on my stomach and her breasts just underneath my chin. Her soft hands cup my face as I look up at her and she leans in, connecting our lips. Neither of us fight for dominance, neither of us take control. We're equal.

I wrap my arms around her body and realise she's still shaking slightly. The aftermath of crying. Our naked skin presses together as our lips do, soft, sweet and gentle. Her hands massaging the back of my neck while we kiss. She sniffs every now and then, still calming down from her sobbing.

We hold each other until the water is no longer warm, no words needing to be exchanged, our actions are more than enough.

When the time comes I pull her up out of the bathtub and wrap a towel around her cold shoulders, making sure she is dry before tending to myself.

"Can I borrow some shorts? I didn't bring any."

"No. We don't need clothes. I like having you like this" I pat myself dry as Lisa pulls back the covers and climbs into my bed, making herself comfortable by rearranging my pillows. I slide in after her, her smooth legs rubbing against my own.

"Get some rest okay?"

She nods and snuggles in close, her breath warm against my chest.

"I love you."

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