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After she told me to leave, you bet your ass I hurried out of that classroom as quickly as possible. What the hell even was that? She kissed me. Then told me to leave. Honestly, now she's just fucking toying with me.

I could not concentrate on a single thing all day. And now I've been home for almost 4 hours and I still can't stop thinking about it. About her.

Why do I think about her so much? I need to stop. She's affecting everything I do. I've often been catching myself just imagining her with me. If I'm in bed, I imagine her laying next to me, cuddling into my side. If I'm at the kitchen table, I picture her sitting across from me, eating the food I cooked for her. If I'm in the car with Jennie and Jisoo, she's sitting beside me, holding my hand for the duration of the drive. I just can't get her out of my head.

She told me that what we were doing was wrong, yet I felt so at home when I kissed her. I can't describe the connection that I feel towards her. Her person is so captivating and she draws me in. I've been laying in my bed since I got home, I didn't even bother to change. Just kick my shoes off and jump straight into bed. Going over the events of this morning in my head. Over and over.

It was stupid of me to think this could be anything more than it was. She was out of my league and she was a fucking teacher for god's sake. Hell, she probably isn't even gay. She was my teacher and I was her student, that's it. Nothing more.

Jennie and Jisoo knew something was up, they've asked me what was wrong and if I was okay all day. And since I've been home they've been messaging me, asking me if I want to talk about it. I can't tell them this. Not yet. Not until I transfer out of that class so I don't have to look at that woman every day.

Two more messages pop up on my phone, causing it to vibrate against the wood of my bedside table. I roll over and grab it from next to my bed. I'll just tell them that I was feeling sick. Then they should drop it.

My screen lights up and my heart falls through my chest. The messages aren't from Jennie or Jisoo. They're from her.

Received - 6.23 pm
From: Miss Park 😁

Come over?


I was at her door within 15 minutes. I could have been there in 10, but I had several arguements with my appearance before actually leaving the house.

Now I'm just standing out the front of her door, too scared to knock. What did she want? She's been so confusing these past 2 days. Telling me we can't, now she's asking me to come over?

What is she doing?


What am I doing? I fucking text her to come to my house, literally 12 hours after I told her we couldn't be together. I needed to see her. I needed to explain something, but I didn't even know what the hell I was explaining.

This girl was something else. Making me do things that I would have never considered. Great. My first year as a teacher and I've already gone and kissed a student, fucking up my whole career in the process. Who the hell was going to hire me now? I could go to court, no one wants a 22 year old teacher who couldn't keep her hands off the kids she was teaching. What the fuck is wrong with me?

*bang bang bang*

Fuck. She's here. I hesitate for a fraction too long and I hear her shoes on the floor. She's walking away.

I sprint to the door and fling it open, the handle hitting the wall makes me jump and she stops dead in her tracks.

"Lisa... please come in?" I barely recognise my own voice, how my brain found the courage to even spit out that sentence I will never know.

She turns around slowly and we locked eyes. And even though she was not smiling, her eyes smiled constantly. Although I had caused her to be upset today, I could see confusion in her eyes, but there was also a single positive emotion. Hope.

A quick nod was initiated and she broke our eye contact before strutting past me and entering through my now probably damaged door.

Deep breaths Chaeyoung.

One more moment of hesitation before I spin around to face the girl that's been clouding my thoughts.

"Lisa, look about this morn-"

"Stop." She cut me off. "What I want to know," She pushed herself up off of the couch and faced me, an unreadable expression on her face. "Is why you're making me feel so stupid?" Anger laced her tone "You've been touching me, looking at me for longer periods than any school would consider appropriate, rubbing my legs, and also can I add that you fucking kissed me. Twice! And then when I kiss you back, you push me away and tell me that we can't!" Her voice gets louder and I'm exposed to a new side of Lisa "What does that even mean? I'm so confused. So please straighten it out for me!"

Her tone is nothing I would have ever expected to come out of her. This soft human being, yelling at me.

I take a minute to think about what I'm going to say.

"I don't know. I'm so sorry. I'm just as confused as you are! I wish I had answe-"

"I'm leaving" she cut me off. Again.

My heart flipped upside down as she barged past me and I fought back tears. "Lisa, no! Please".

Before she could get out of the door, I grip her forearm and pull her towards me, our lips crashing together. Immediately she melts into the kiss. Her lips brushing mine gently, delicately. I could feel the warmth of her skin underneath my fingers. I felt like I wasn't in my own body anymore, I'm floating, in a universe that could bring only happiness to those who exist within it.

I open my eyes and disconnect our lips. My forehead not leaving hers. Our lips still only millimeters apart.

I open my eyes and disconnect our lips. My forehead not leaving hers. Our lips are still only millimetres apart. "Please, just stay. I know that you're feeling this too. And believe me, I know how wrong this is, but I also know how right it feels for the both of us because if you didn't you wouldn't be here right now. I can't help myself, Lisa, I can't stop thinking about you. It is driving me insane. But please, stay."

Her eyes, I could get lost in those eyes. A spark of gold hung outside of her iris, adding multiple emotion-filled layers of depth. That was the last thing I saw before she pulled me in for another kiss.

It was soft and moist, hot and breathy. Perfect. She kissed me like I had never been kissed before.

"Mmh Rosie..."

I pull away once more.

"Rosie huh? Already got a nickname for me?" Amusement shown in my tone makes her cheeks go slightly red and she ducks her head. I lift my hand and grip her chin softly with my fingers, raising her head to look at me. "I like you calling me Rosie."

"Well I figured now that I've kissed you a few times, Miss Park is too formal". The blush that spreads across her face makes my heart flutter and everything inside me makes me pull her head towards mine for another kiss. "I want to keep everything how it is. I want to keep running with you in the mornings, I want you to keep spending your lunch times with me, I want you". Her voice is so so soft.

"We'll make this work. It won't be easy, but you're worth it."

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