Just in time for lunch!

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Heyo, this chapter is really short! But next chapter will be [M] and then in the next upcoming chapters, things start to HAPPEN! ❤️

"I can't call you this weekend. My grandma is staying with us and she's sleeping in my bed so... I don't have anywhere private." Rosie pouts and tilts her head up so our lips are barely centimetres apart. "I'm sorry! I promise I'll still text you".

She pecks my lips and presses our foreheads together, her arms locked around my neck. "So I'll see you on Monday then? You'll come and visit me before class?"


She pulls me in for a hug and I bury my nose in her hair, smelling in her scent. The hug must have lasted longer than what me meant for because Jisoo clears her throat.

"Okay Lisa... you've taken 3 years to say goodbye."

I sigh and pull away from her. "Alright beautiful, I'll see you on Monday. But I'll message you later. I love you".

She gives me one last kiss and releases her grip on me. "I love you too, bye. Bye girls!" Rosie turns and looks at my best friends who were being dramatic and pretending to throw up and us kissing.

"Bye, Miss. See you at school!"

After only 5 or so minutes of leaving Rosie's house, a text message pops up on my phone.

Received - 11.54 am
From: Rosie 🌹

I can't believe two of my students
just saw me in my underwear 🤦‍♀️

Sent - 11.54 am
Well, I'm your student and
I've been inside of you 🤷‍♀️

Received - 11.55 am
Lisa 😭😭😭
I'm so embarrassed! I was full on
kissing you and grinding on you.
They saw the whole thing!

Sent  - 11.55 am
Baby don't worry about it. It's just
Jennie and Jisoo. They're not judging
you. If anything, they were drooling
over how good your ass looked in those
panties. I know I was 😏


"Mum! We're home!" The three of us stroll through the front door, my mothers voice calling out to us from the living room where her and my grandmother sat, eating loaves and what looked like bakery treats.

"Perfect timing, just in time for lunch! Hello girls"

Jennie and Jisoo both bow slightly at my mother and say a hello. I've told them both 5 million times that they don't have to bow, and that my mum doesn't have to be addressed as formally. But, they insist that in Korean culture they have to.

"Grandma, this is Jennie. And this is Jisoo. They're my best friends and helped me a lot when I moved." My grandma stands up and pulls my two friends into a hug. The both of them a little shocked at first, but quickly returning the hug.

Watching the two of them being choked by one of my grandmas hugs made me laugh, their eyes nearly popping out because of how long a grandma hug can last.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket, the name on my screen said Rosie, so I took a step back out of view so my mum couldn't see that I was messaging anyone. And fucking lucky I did too, because the message was a photo.

I choke on my own spit when I unlock my phone and a photo of my almost naked girlfriend pops up. She's in her underwear from before, kneeling down in front of her mirror with her legs spread wide. The tips of her fingers sitting just beneath the waistband of her underwear while she bites her bottom lip. With the photo was a short message that read; "Miss you already 😘"

Fuck. I can feel myself soak through as I sit down on the couch, grabbing a vanilla slice. My mother raised an eyebrow at my flushed face and all of a sudden I'm thinking that not being able to see Rosie this weekend is going to be harder than I thought.

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