Lisa finally wins a bet

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"I want to make a bet with you".

I twist my head to look at the girl in the passenger seat, knowing that no good had ever come from these words. Well, no good for her at least. Lisa had so far bet me about four times in our relationship, and she had lost every single time.

After last nights fun at the roller rink, we were headed to the trampoline place today as per Lisa's request. We had gone on a morning beach walk this morning and were up early because of how quickly we had fallen asleep last night. We had showered and cuddled up on the couch to watch a movie but Lisa was asleep in my lap before it had even started. So I had carried her to bed and slid in next to her, falling asleep almost immediately myself.

"Now Lisa, think about that for a second. And decide wisely about whether or not you think you have a chance of winning that bet".

She pursed her lips and turned her head away so I couldn't see her smile. But that action soon betrayed her because she gripped my arm excitedly as we pulled into the parking lot of our destination.

As soon as we stepped through the door we both let out a gasp of wonder. Basketball hoops, rock climbing walls, foam pits and trampolines were the only things in sight. I paid for two hours of free access for both of us and we took our shoes off at lightning speed.

"I'm so excited". I said into Lisa's ear as we approached the trampolines, both of us acting like children. "Do you think we need to warm up or anything before we start?"

"Over there," Lisa pointed to a man over in a corner on the more secluded trampolines who was going over the safety rules and guidelines with a small group of people. So, we headed in that direction.

"So first, we are going to learn how to jump properly! So can everyone find their own trampoline and spread out a little. Let me know if you can't see me!" This guy looked cool, he was covered in piercings and tattoos and wearing the coolest clothes I had seen on a guy in a long time. He spoke with confidence and I could tell from the way he was expertly jumping around the place that he was talented.

Lisa and I managed to get two trampolines beside each other that we're in pretty good view of the man. Once again, no one here was older than sixteen and there was one other girl here that I would have said was between me and Lisa in age. So, here we were, two grown women hanging with all the kids.

"So there are ways to keep your balance when you jump." The man spoke loud and clear over the ten or so people. "The first way is to put your hands up high in the air, and bend one of your legs as you do so."

We all watched as the man demonstrated the movement, and encouraged the rest of us to give it a try. I did it easily, the motion pushing me up hard off of the springs to launch into the air. I found I could go a lot higher than I thought. However, when I turned to look at Lisa, I struggled hard to hold in my laughter. Now she was jumping, but it definitely did not look right. Her knees were locking weirdly every time she jumped and she could not get even half as high as I could. Her arms and leg were just flailing around like she had no control over them.

"Why is it so hard?" She complained, looking around at how everyone else could get the hang of it easily.

"Alright, number two!" The man called out again, pulling everyone's attention away from their jumping. "So we are going to do a sit-down and stand up kind of jump. Everyone watching!" The man jumped up, put his feet straight out and landed down on the trampoline. The force from his initial jump pushed him back up into a standing position. "Alright, your turn!"

Once again it came easy to me, but out the corner of my eye, I watched Lisa's body fall into a heap on the floor. I burst out laughing watching her, her face trying not to laugh at herself. It got to the point where she tried so many times that. by her seventh attempt at the jump, she didn't even bother to pick herself up off of the trampoline. She just laid there with her hair over her face while the kids jumped around her, showing off their new skills.

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