One Sugar Please

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Received - 4.14 pm
From - Jisoo

I'll be there in like 20 minutes, my
brother needed help with this thing.
I'll tell you about it when I get there.

Sent - 4.14 pm
To - Jisoo

Okay, I'll order now and get another
when you get here. Remember to
bring your novel 😋

I sighed and put my phone on the table before looking around the little coffee shop where I'd been going since I'd moved to Australia. 'Gloria's' was small, but I suppose that's one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much. Each week the smell of the coffee changed between three smells, and I had grown to love all of them. The roast of the coffee ranged from lightly caramelized, to fruity, to burned and nutty. All of them comforting in their own ways.

It's our little hangout location, and Jennie, Jisoo, and I come here at least three times a week. It made me feel at ease and at home in every way. The two of them, however, had been coming here since they had become friends, which was a few years before I joined the group.

Walking over to the counter, I smile at the all too familiar face standing there, ready to take my order.

"Just your regular Lisa?" The barista leans over the counter, biting at the end of her pen.

Jane was probably around five years my senior, and I had gotten to know her over the years. She was working here while studying for her doctorate, which I knew she was putting forth a lot of effort for behind the scenes. We had a lighthearted discussion over the counter every now and then, which was mainly frowned upon by the staff, but because her fianceé owned the place, she always claimed she could get away with chatting about personal matters on work time.

I nod and give the girl a smile. "Yes please, Jane. But Jisoo will be here a little later one though so can I ask that another one is made for her in say ten or fifteen minutes?"

"Ugh, you always have to be difficult don't you?" Jane rolls her eyes playfully, not even having to jot down our orders to know what we want.

"Well, you know me, always doing my best to make your job easier." I blow her a kiss and turn around to return to my seat near the window. The light made my laptop screen a little glarey, but I could still see it, so I wasn't too concerned. When I press the space bar on my computer, my music starts playing only very softly through my connected headphones. The only reason I was able to hear was because of how quiet it was in my corner of the cafe.

"Is it okay if I join you?" I hadn't even realised someone was approaching the table when three little taps on the shoulder caused me to leap five feet into the air and rip my headphones from my ears by the wire.

I glance up at the person who interrupted one of my favourite songs, my jaw goes slack and nearly hits the floor. "Miss Park! Hi, um... sure!"

She giggles and sits down beside me. She's wearing her cute floral dress that she had worn to school today. It was just above knee height and she's paired them with a pair of white converse. Her perfect white teeth were being shown off and her brown hair falling down her shoulders. Her beauty was absolutely mesmerising.

"Oh, are you waiting for someone? I'm sorry!" She springs up in her chair and tucks it in realising that I had two spare seats saved and an extra coffee cup on the table in front of me that Jane had just brought to the table.

"No no, it's fine!" I pull her seat back out and motion for her to sit back down. "I'm just meeting Jisoo but she won't be here for a little while, I'm helping her with her English."

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