Don't Lie

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Received - 7.00 am
From: Rosie🌹

Heyo, Are you going to come and
visit me before class? I can't wait
to see you. I'm so happy we got to
spend the weekend together.

After we had gone to the trampoline place on Saturday, we had spent all of that afternoon and that night either in the pool, on the couch, or in bed. It was nice just to relax and lounge around together.

Nothing sexual had happened, of course, Rosie and I both agreed that we were going to wait a little while before all of that. However, there were maybe a few heavy makeout sessions and a few times they may have consisted of Rosie rubbing my heat over the top of my shorts. It had taken all of our willpower not to fuck then and there on the couch. Because God knows I wanted to.

It was nice having time to ourselves, being able to go out in public without fear of anyone seeing us. Or another thing was Rosie still had not told anyone that she was bisexual so she was also a little nervous about going public when that was also a factor. But we did it, all weekend we were out and about, kissing in public and having the time of our lives.

But we were back to reality today and I already had Jennie pulling up at my house 10 minutes early and honking until I can't fucking hear anything else.

Jennie must have picked Jisoo up first because the both of them were laughing their asses off at something while I was walking down the driveway, but when I reached the car and Jennie locked eyes with me, they both went completely silent and expressionless.

"Um, hey girls". I open the back door and throw my backpack in before climbing in myself. The other two muttered a small 'hey' and did not continue the conversation. It was awkward as fuck, to be honest, they were looking at me like I had done something wrong and they couldn't get past it.

"Are you two okay?" I question when Jennie stomps down on the accelerator and the car lurches forwards. No response. "Guys? Are you two okay?" I repeat it a little louder this time, just in case the sound of Dua Lipa's new song blaring out of the speakers drowned out my question.

""We're fine Lisa". Jennie's voice comes out harsh and I don't know how to respond. "Where were you this weekend?"

Lucky, Rosie and I had planned for this question to arise. "I went with my mum on her trip, I just needed a break from school and homework".

"Well, you could have told us about it. It's not like we've been trying to reach you all weekend or anything like that!" Jennie snapped, making me sink back into my seat.

"I'm sorry".

I just sit in silence the rest of the car ride. Jennie completely ignored me and Jisoo glanced at me every now and then through the mirror with a worried and sympathetic look on her face. What weren't they telling me? Surely they weren't this mad at me?

Sent - 7.45am
To: Rosie 🌹

I'm at school. I'll come straight
to your classroom?

We roll into the school parking lot just as I sent my message

Received - 7.47 am
From: Rosie🌹

Sounds good, I'll be waiting

"Lisa, who are you texting?" Jennie's voice is sharp and loud. I shoot my head up to look at her, but I don't respond to her question.

"Lisa? Who are you texting? Who is making you smile every morning at your phone while we drive to school?" Her voice is softer this time, but still demanding in a sense.

"Um, Mina" I lie through my teeth. I don't even know how her name came to my mind, but it did. And although my response was quick, Jennie doesn't seem to believe it.

"Don't lie Lis... come on, you can tell us anything." Her voice is quiet, Jisoo is trying so hard not to look at me.

"I'm not lying guys! We've been chatting a little bit..." trying my best to sound convincing doesn't seem to be working. They're still looking at me like I'm just digging myself in deeper.

"Lisa we know that you're lying!"

"And how would you know that?" I practically yell at them.

"Because we know about you and Miss Park!"

Everything went silent, all except this light ringing noise that pierced my eardrums. It felt like my heart had stopped and dropped down into my stomach where it had started beating again at a monstrous speed.

No no no no no no no

We're done.

We're over.

Rosie could get in big trouble. She could lose her job and get in trouble with the law.

She might hate me.

We would have to break up.

We got caught.

"What?" Playing dumb is my only option.

"Jisoo and I saw you... two weeks or so ago... you were kissing her " they both look guilty, Jisoo's head dropped to face the ground and Jennie looked like she was fighting back tears.

"What?" The word falls out of my mouth again, unable to speak a proper sentence. My heart is racing and my breathing changes rapidly. I feel like someone is piercing my brain.

Is this a panic attack?

"Well... we were going for a walk and we saw her car turn into your driveway and I just... I don't know." Jennie's voice falters and it was Jisoo's turn to speak up.

"Lisa, she's not... forcing you to do things that you don't want to, is she?"

"What!?" I reacted too quickly and Jisoo gave me a look that made it seem like they had their answer. They both looked convinced, sure that the woman who was so gentle a loving with me, was manipulating me and forcing me against my will into being with her.

"Like, she's not hurting you is she? Because if she is we can get help! We can tell someo-"

I cut her off, "I need to leave".

I kick open the car door and slam it shut behind me. I can't think. I can't breathe. A million thoughts fly through my head as I sprint through the school doors, making my way to where I know I'll be safe.


Three soft knocks on my classroom door make me sit up a little straighter in my chair, excitement flooding through me because I knew exactly who it was. The handle twists slowly and my favourite student walks in.

"Hey baby, I miss- what's wrong?"

Immediately I knew that something is off. Her face was wracked with guilt and she looked like she was going to cry. I watched as her big eyes glossed over and she looked at me in a way that she's never looked at me before.

I push myself up out of my chair and walk over to her, locking the door.

"Lisa, tell me?" I place my hands on either one of her shoulders and force her to look at me. With red eyes and a quivering lip, she opens her mouth;

"We got caught".

Heyo everyone! I know this chapter is short, but I'm just getting some work done? I'll release a longer one next!

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