I love her

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My bedroom door creaks open and I shoot up, unable to recognise the voice of the speaker. Although, disappointment hits me when I realise that it's just my mother. "Can we chat?"

Oh so now she wants to fucking chat. After keeping me in my room for 6 days straight with no connections to anyone, she wants to chat. My eyes turn to slits as I stare at her with a bitch expression, my arms folded over my chest.

"Oh, so now you want to talk? Just like how I wanted to talk the other day when you blew up at me and kicked my girlfriend out of our house!" Okay... I never yell at my mum. I'm a good girl. I'm respectful to my elders. But what she did was wrong.

"Look baby... I'm sorry. I reacted in the worst possible way. I should have given you a chance. But, you need to understand that she is your teacher! Not only is it illegal, but it's very unprofessional of her!" She sits down on the end of my bed, her hand wrapped gently around my ankle.

"Did... did you react like that because ... she's a girl?" The question just comes out. Something that's been on my mind for the past week. I've always known I was gay. I had a girlfriend when I lived back in Thailand, but I just hadn't told my mum yet.

My mum doesn't answer for a while. She sits back and sighs, removing her hand from my ankle and running it through her hair. "Partly, yes. I wasn't expecting it. I'm trying to understand. Baby, I didn't know you were gay..."

"How could you not? Have I EVER liked a boy? I've been trying to hint it at you for years!" Tears prick the corners of my eyes.
God this all felt so fucking good yet so awful! "I can't help it!"

She doesn't say anything. She just sits and looks at me, her eyes desperate and sad, but also understanding.

"Just like I can't help who I fall in love with..." I look up at her with my eyes, only moving my head slightly to see her reaction. "It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did."

She opens her mouth to say something, something opposing our relationship I'm guessing. But, I cut her off.

"It wasn't our fault, mum. She told me it was inappropriate and we tried to stay away from each other! I promise I tried not too. But I gave in eventually..."

I can see that it's hard for her to sit here and listen to this. But, who the fuck cares. It was harder for me to tell her.

"I love her."

Short but sweet 🥰

(Also I'm writing this while I eat a chicken sandwich and my dog is just sitting here staring at me 🥺)

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