Video Chat

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I drop my head down on the desk and let out a wail. Maths homework is going to be the fucking death of me. I'm not the worst mathematics student in the world, but I could not tell you how to do half of the stuff that we learn during class.

I pick up my phone and check the time, 8 pm in bright letters flashes across the screen. Fucking hell, I've been sitting here for four hours. I had come home, messaged Rosie that I will call her later tonight and had gotten straight into my work.

My desk chair creaks and spins around when I throw myself backwards on it, groaning again at the small number of questions I had completed in such a long period of time. I pick up my pen to do one last equation before my shower and a distraction arises when my phone rings.

Assuming the video chat was from either Jennie or Jisoo because they are the only ones who ever video call me, I answer without looking at the name properly and prop my phone up against my books. The call connects and I suck in a huge breath when I realise that it's not Jennie or Jisoo on the call, but Rosie.

"Hey beautiful girl, I missed you!" She combs through her hair with her fingers and I realise that it's damp and she's wearing nothing but a towel. The video quality just allowing me to see the water droplets on her skin. She parts her lips slightly and I feel all tingly and restless down south.

"Hey..." I choke on my words when she bends down to look at me on her screen and sweeps her hair around one side of her neck. "I missed you too".

I've never seen her shoulders bare before. And even though she's not actually here I can tell her collarbones are probably the hottest thing I will ever come across. Her shoulders are so defined and perfect.

"Sorry for the unexpected call. I just wanted to talk to you". She picks her phone up and walks across what I recognise to be her bedroom. "What are you doing?"

Still not over my initial shock of seeing her wearing nothing but a towel, I struggle to form a coherent thought and spit out my next words "What?"

She looks a little taken aback and giggles slightly. "I asked what you were doing, cutie."

"Oh... just some maths homework. I'm ready to die." I lean back in my chair dramatically and pull a face to which she laughs at.

"That right there is exactly why I teach English and not maths, I'm literally hopeless at maths. I can help you with your homework for other subjects but maths is where I say no."

Oh shit... I just realised that she can literally tutor me in a few subjects. I've never thought about asking her for help because I didn't want it to seem like I was taking advantage of our situation. "Hey, if I asked your help in my other subjects, you wouldn't see that as me taking advantage of you being a teacher, would you?"

She looks at me with an 'are-you-serious?' kind of look and smiles. "Of course not, Lis. I'm happy to help".

"You're honestly an Angel".

She steps out of frame so I can no longer see her, but my heart rate does increase when the towel that was previously on her body, is now thrown onto the floor. She's naked on the other end of this call. I don't know why that thought is having such a huge effect on my breathing.

She walks across her bedroom again and past her phone to pick up the towel that she dropped into the frame. Wearing a bigger grey shirt and what seems to be only black underwear, her thighs bare and on display.

"Are we still on for tomorrow? Your place still okay?" She picks up her phone and I can see her face again, no makeup and she's still as gorgeous as ever.

"Yes! Everything is still on. Except I don't know what we could do at my place"

She pauses for a moment and ties her hair up into a bun. "I could bring some take out? I could stop at that Thai restaurant and get some takeaway? I honestly don't mind what we do, hanging out with you is always fun".

Her last comment makes my cheeks go red and I try to hide my blush. What she was saying was true though, we always met up with the intention of simply hanging out or to go for a drive, but when it came time for her to drop me home, we ended up sitting in her car parked in my driveway and chatting for hours. Time always seemed to slip away when the two of us were together.

"No, Thai sounds good. We can have a little dinner date. And if we're not too tired we can watch a movie. My mum won't be home until Sunday so I've got all week home alone".

"Ooooh home alone... no parents... it sounds like in the movies where the girl is like 'come over... my parents aren't home' and then they do things". She teasingly lifts her shirt so her underwear and stomach are exposed to the camera and in full view. Her tone was playful, and I could tell she was only being silly, but her wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear plus suggesting that sex is a possibility for us, my horny teenage hormones can't take much more.

"I mean, I'm not totally opposed to that idea, Miss Park". Instead of showing her how flustered I was, I speak up and now it's her turn to be the one who gets shy. She drops her shirt and bites her lip to hold back a smile.

"So, I won't be there for our class tomorrow. I have an English meeting with all the English teachers around the area, it's a curriculum thing. But I'll be back at second lunch, so you can come and see me then." She picks up the phone from where it was sittng and carries it with her through her apartment.

I pull a pouty face at her and she rolls her eyes. "So we have a sub? They're always so bad".

"Suck it up, princess. It's for one hour and it will only ever happen very rarely. You better behave for whatever teacher you get." She goes slightly stern and I immediately retract.

"Jeez you just went all teacher on me... it was kind of hot". My God why did I say that.

I can tell she was a little taken aback by my comment, but not in a bad way. Once she's come to herself she sort of sat up a little straighter and smirked slightly. "You think so?"

I nodded and adjusted my posture slightly as well. She couldn't see that I was pressing my legs together to relieve some of the pressure that I was experiencing in my lower areas because of her.

"I'll remember that... anyways I have some marking to get done. Plus, I'll let you go for a shower and finish your maths work. But I'll text you okay?"

I nod. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sounds good beautiful, I'll message you in the morning. Goodnight." She blows me a kiss and then giggles.


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