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Walking to English class felt different today. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Or it probably was the fact that I was dating the teacher. I couldn't wait to see her today. After last nights date and this mornings conversation, I just want to kiss her.

With Jennie and Jisoo at my heels, I grip the door handle and push the door open with a racing heart. I don't know why I was so nervous. It wasn't like I hadn't been in a classroom with her before. I'm sure it was going to be no different to my usual English lessons, it was probably going to be better if anything.

I push the door open to reveal my English classroom. Exactly how it is every single week. The only noticeable difference is that the girl I'm dating now takes up residence behind the teacher's desk. She notices me come in and catches my eye before giving me a small, shy smile and tucking strands of long hair behind each ear. I've noticed her tucking her hair behind her ears when she is shy seems to be quite the habit of hers.

"Lisa, are you going to sit?" Jennie's voice in my ear causes me to jump and I realise that I've been standing beside my chair with my bag unpacked while Jennie was waiting to get around me so she could take her usual seat at my right.

Once the class was seated, Rosie rises to her feet and the class falls silent. A light blue mini dress perfectly hugging her small frame. It wasn't until she took a few steps out from behind her desk that I realised she was wearing heels. And holy shit... I didn't think it was possible, but they made her hotter.

"Okay guys, for the past few weeks we have been learning about Shakespeare. And as you are all aware, our exam is in 3 days. So, I'm going to give you this lesson to revise for your assessment. I'm going to call you up one by one so I can see what revision you've completed so far. If you have any questions or need any materials just raise your hand or come up to my desk". Her voice rings clear and loud through the silent classroom. The sound of her heels clopping on the ground as she paces while she talks. "Jennie! You're first up here please. Bring your English notes too, sweetie, please."

Jennie rises from her seat and makes her way up to the front of the classroom. The outfit that she chose to wear today was not only impressing Jisoo, for about 4 guys checked her out when she walked past their desks, eyes wide and looking around at one another.

Now Jennie always looked good, don't get me wrong. But today, she looked expensive and stylish, bringing in a whole new vibe to her that those who weren't close to her had not yet witnessed.

"Lisa" I turn around to the unrecognisable voice behind me and come face to face with the girl that I knocked over a few weeks ago, and had come to know as sweet and gentle. She looked cute today. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, minimal makeup, and small earrings in her lobes.

"Mina, hey. How long have you been in this class?" I keep the volume of the conversation low as the class is talking quietly.

"Just now!" Mina gives me a small smile and reaches over the desk to touch my shoulder. "I haven't really spoken to you since the other day in the cafeteria. I keep meaning to say hi more, but I haven't had the chance and you haven't really been around much, and now I've only just transferred into this class, so I wanted to say it now."

"Aww that's cool. Well if you ever do get the chance, for sure come and say hi. I won't bite or anything".

Just as Mina let out a giggle at my comment, a voice from the front of the room calls my name.

"Lisa, you're up next!"

My attention is snatched from the cutie sitting behind me and I gather my stuff. I throw Mina one last smile and make my way up to Rosie's desk, her eyes locked on me. Her posture straight and her expression eager.

I pull up next to her desk and take my seat right next to hers. The smell of her perfume instantly filled my nostrils and brought with it a feeling of calmness and security. As soon as it sits down she places her hand on my thigh and gives it a slight squeeze.

"Hey". Her voice is low enough so that we won't get caught but high enough for it to send silent sparks down my spine.

"You look gorgeous today. Those heels are definitely doing you favours" I say with a newfound sense of confidence that she seems to bring out in me.

Her cheeks turn a light pink at my comment and she looks down at her lap. "You think so?" Her voice is giggly but kind of cocky. Like she knows that the heels would draw my attention to her.

"Oh absolutely. 100%"

This time, her expression is a little awkward. "I didn't know you were friends with Mina?" She doesn't say it in an accusing way... but it was definitely said with a hint of curiosity.

I just shrug. "I'm not really. I've only really spoken to her probably three times. She tries to chat to me when I'm on my way to you for lunch sometimes but I rush off so we can have more time. She's nice though".

She gives me a smile and a single nod. "Show me your workbook".

I open my English notepad to my most recent pages and show off the work that I spent literally hours on so it was perfect and she would like it. I made sure I wrote my notes neatly, hopefully, she's impressed.

"Lisa... these are great! You've taken all the right points down. You've expressed clearly your argument and developed your thesis. This is really impressive".

"Well I don't think you'll be giving me any free passes just because I know you in a different way, I'm still going to put in the effort".

She gave my thigh one last squeeze and closed my notebook before handing it back to me.

For the remainder of the lesson, we shared small glances and smiles. Careful not to make it noticeable as I'm chatting to Jennie and Jisoo in the seats beside me.


"Alright everyone, I'm really impressed with everyone's progress so far! Although 3 or 4 of you really need to manage your time better, you know who you are. Have a great day guys and I'll see you all tomorrow."

I throw my stuff into my backpack and pull it over my shoulders, only to be stopped as I'm making my way towards the door.

"Oh! Can you stay back please Lisa? I'll go over the questions you were asking me about during tutoring".

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