Red Lipstick

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Her heels echoed across the classroom floor as she paced up and down the rows of desks. Her eyes watching each student like a hawk, making sure that their work was done in silence.

Rosie had just finished yelling at our class about the behaviour from us for the substitute teacher that we had the lesson before. Most of the kids in the class were a little scared to see her yell, after all, it was a very rare sight. But, if you wanted my opinion, a fiery temper matched with the heels and red lipstick she was wearing really fucking turned me on.

I sat there, trying to focus on my work which was proving to be impossible as every time our teacher walked past, she would knock my shoulder or run her fingernails along my bare arm.

"Miss! I need help!" Issac's voice called out across the classroom and I roll my eyes. Jennie makes a weird choking noise from the seat beside me and when I look at her, she looks disgusted at him too.

Rosie struts over the to the boy and leans over his shoulder, reading what he has completed so far. My eyes were glued to the scene. Issac was okay at first, nodding at whatever the hell it was that my girlfriend was saying, but as soon as his hand gripped himself under the desk and his eyes traveled down her neck and to her boobs, I lost it.

"Miss! I need help too!" I yell out a lot louder than what I meant to do. Rosie shoots her head in my direction along with the rest of the class, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion at my sudden outburst. She nods and walks over to me, leaving Issac alone with his little baby hard-on. But, that didn't stop him from getting a good look at her ass as she walked away.

"Baby those heels are driving me crazy". I whisper in her ear when she bends down to read my work. She doesn't really acknowledge my words, just smirks slightly. "I'm serious! I can't concentrate on anything".

"You seem to be the on the right track, Miss Manoban." With those simple words she stands back up and walks over to her desk at the front of the classroom, swaying her hips a little more than usual as she goes.

I hear a small "oh damn" come from Jisoo as Miss walks away. I turn to look at her and both her and Jennie are sniggering at what just happened. I would give them a dirty look if they hadn't been at my house all morning helping me cover my hickeys that are still there and visible 4 days later. So I should probably be nice to them today.

"Alright everyone! You can pack up!" Rosie's teacher voice flows through the classroom and everyone immediately starts gathering their things.

"I hope you all know that I do expect good behaviour! Even though I may not be here to monitor it!" She walks around to the front of her desk and leans backwards on it, crossing her arms to let us know she's mad. "And some of you are really falling behind on assignment work. I give you more than enough time in class, but you definitely need to do some at home as well. If you're struggling just ask me, okay? I'm starting to get a little angry over some of the work attitudes in this class! It's not all of you! But definitely 4 or 5 of you really need to step up your game."

The bell rings, dismissing the class while Rosie eyeballed the door, watching everyone leave the room. I make sure to pack up extra slowly so I'm the last one to leave the room.

She lets out a huff of annoyance when the last student out of the room didn't shut the door, even though she says it almost every lesson. She stalks over to the door and shuts it a little harder than what I remember her doing last time. Not going to lie, she's hot when she's mad.

She finally turns around to face me, her first smile that I've seen today directed right at me.

"Hey baby" she mutters when we meet and I put my arms around her shoulders, pulling her into me. I can tell she's tired, for the last 3 nights she's been working or had meetings about the curriculum. Only stopping once every two or so hours to send me a quick text message.

"Hi, how much sleep did you get last night?" I slide one of my hands along her back while she scrapes her fingernails up and down mine.

"Um 4 hours I think, which is okay. I've had a coffee so I feel okay. I'm just a little cranky".

I crane my neck back so I can make eye contact with her and pull a face. "A little? Girl, you went off at us at the start of the lesson!" She just groans and buries her neck back into my neck, her soft breathing on my collarbone.

"Also, those heels and that red lipstick? Are you trying to kill me? Everyone was looking at you!"

She chuckles into my neck and scoffs, pulling away slightly so we can look at each other. "No they weren't Lisa!"

I look at her with an 'are you fucking blind' kind of look. "Yes they were! You had everyone drooling! I've been sitting there suffering for the past hour".

"What was up with you freaking out when I was helping Issac?" Her eyebrows knit together again, just like they did when I yelled out earlier.

"He was just trying to look at your tits! He was grabbing his thing under the desk! I don't know how you couldn't notice. I didn't like him looking at you... you're mine".

She raises one eyebrow at me and a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. Her fingers scrape my back a little harder and she allows them to trail down a little further. "Possessive much?" Her voice comes out like a purr, deep in her throat.

I pull her forwards by her nape, kissing her slowly, teasingly. It was wet and sensual and honestly just fucking hot.

"As much as I want to fuck you on my desk right now, class starts in 4 minutes". She disconnects our lips but doesn't pull away, our rough breathing and panting making our chests rise against each other. "I'll call you later, okay?"

I let go of her and nod. "Talk soon, I love you"

"I love you too, beautiful".

I pick up my backpack and throw it over my shoulder, catching one last glimpse of that perfect body before shutting the classroom door behind me.

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