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Jisoo had decided to take Miss Park up on her offer for English tutoring. As a result, they had scheduled a tutoring session for Wednesday afternoons at the café. Miss Park was going to go over our subject in depth as well as provide language help to Jisoo, which is good.

However, because it was their first session today and Jisoo had never had assistance from anyone other than Jennie and I, she had asked both of us to accompany her to the café this afternoon, which Miss said was fine. Although I must admit that I am looking forwards to seeing our teacher this afternoon.

Her beautiful smile, her long hair, her cute face, her perfect body. She was honestly just such a fun person to be around. She honestly made the classroom such a happier place, and I enjoyed going to school. English was by far my favourite class.

We however, had to get special permission from parents to be able to have our tutoring sessions as Miss Park would be seeing us regularly off of campus and that was inappropriate behaviour unless permission was given.


Again, Jennie and Jisoo were running late, so I was doing my best not to appear too awkward because it was just Miss Park and I alone waiting for them. Since Jisoo had made teasing accusations that I had a crush on the pretty teacher, I had been nothing but a mess when talking to her.

She was sitting very close to me and our legs were almost touching. For some reason this made my heart beat wildly and my palms were sweating furiously.

"Um... Miss?" She raised her head from her notebook to look at the speaker who had broken the silence. I knew I'd be a flustered mess as soon as she focused her attention on me, but I tried to keep my cool as much as I could. "I've been wanting to ask you something. The other day when you took Jennie away from us at the lunch tables. She's been so much calmer and she seems to be more comfortable too. I was just wondering what you said to her so I could help her more when she's feeling that way."

She appeared hesitant at first, which I can understand. It was a private conversation between her and Jennie, so she was under no obligation to tell me what happened the other week.

"Well, I asked her if she wanted to talk about anything, and she just cried and let it all out. It would have been good for her to have a cry. The only reason I'm telling you this is because she told me you were the only one who knew about her problem. Falling in love with your best friend is never easy."

She sipped from her cup and set it back down on the table. She crossed her legs and adjusted her shirt. "As you know, Jennie told me that she gets very upset when someone brings up sexuality. As she is still questioning herself. Does she speak about it with you?"

"Not often. But when she does the conversation goes on for hours. She just talks about how much she wished Jisoo wasn't straight, and how much she wishes she wasn't in love with her..." I pause and return my eyes to Miss Park, who didn't take her gaze away from me the entire time I spoke.

I was fixated on her eyes, which sparkled like something magical in the sunlight. "It must be very difficult for Jennie. I'm sorry that I can't be much more of a help to her. But I'll do my absolute best to help her feel comfortable in her own skin in any way that I can". This girl was so pure. I couldn't come up with a more appropriate word to describe her. She was a true angel. Everything she did for us, no matter how small, made everything so much more enjoyable.

I lift my coffee cup up to check if it has cooled down enough to drink yet, but the scalding liquid that hits my lips indicates that it has not. I gasp and set my cup back down on the table. Miss Park was about to ask me something, probably if I was okay, when both of us heard the unmistakable sound of Jennie's laughter from the other side of the shop. Our heads turn in unison, and the sight that meets my eyes causes my lips to curl into a smile. Jennie has her little hands wrapped around Jisoo's arm and is laughing uncontrollably, while poor Jisoo looks like she's just been caught doing something embarrassing.

"Hey, guys. Is Jennie alright?" I cock an eyebrow at Jennie who hasn't yet calmed herself down enough to greet either Miss Park or myself. But seeing her so happy triggers something in me, causing me to laugh along with her. Happy Jennie is my favourite Jennie.

"She's fine. A man fell over in the Carpark and I tried to help him up but fell over on my way to him. So instead of helping me up, she just stood there and laughed at me".

Customers from all over the shop turn their heads in our direction, trying to figure out what all the fuss is about as Jennie laughs even louder at Jisoo's words. And, as much as I try not to laugh, the image of Jisoo falling down in the parking lot while attempting to help someone else causes me to burst out laughing.

Even the teacher suppressed a smile. "Well, are you okay now Jisoo?"

Jennie butts in before Jisoo could finish explaining to Miss Park that she was fine. "Oh god miss, you have no idea. She honestly went ass up. It was so funny".

"I'm okay, thanks Miss." Jisoo gives the teacher a small smile before shooting a dangerous glare at Jennie, who can't stop laughing.Although, I've seen Jisoo angry and it was clear that she was trying to hide the fact that she, too, saw the humour in the situation.

In the little while it took Jennie to calm down and take her seat, the concerned glances that Miss Park, Jisoo and I gave each other were meme worthy. But once she had finally called off, she seemed guilty and gave Jisoo and awkward little side cuddle. "I'm sorry for laughing at you Unni."

"It's okay". Jisoo sighs and wraps her arm around Jennie's shoulders, making their hug much more comfortable. "I was laughing too".

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