Come for a walk?

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I can't concentrate. So many things running through my mind at a million miles per hour. School, homework, graduating, exams, Jisoo. I need to let some of that stress go. So, I text one of the two people that I know I can feel calm with.

Sent - 7.25 pm
To: Jisoo 🐢🐰

Come for a walk?

I fall backwards onto my bed and wait for the response that comes almost immediately.

Received - 7.26 pm
From: Jisoo🐢🐰

I'll be out the front of yours in 15! Be ready xx

All I needed to do was slide my converse back on and grab a jacket from my cupboard. So I was easily ready in the 15 minutes it took Jisoo to walk to my house. Lisa, Jisoo and I all live within a 2 - 3 block radius, so it was easy for us to get to each other's house quickly.

"Jendeuk!" I hear Jisoo's voice calling from my driveway. Closing the front door behind me, I smile when I see her all dressed in long clothes from the cool weather and wearing one of the hoodies she had stolen from me and claimed as her own about 2 years ago.

We walk in silence for a little while, no words needing to be exchanged. My relationship with Jisoo is different to so many others. I don't need to talk with her. Just like with Lisa. I don't need to talk for them to understand me.

Jisoo just walks beside me at a very close proximity, our arms nudging each other as we stroll along the barely lit street. The hand grazing and arm rubbing makes my heart speed up, and my breathing is starting to change. But it goes on for so long, before I finally get the courage to grasp Jisoo's hand. Our fingers intertwine and my heart slows down once again, it's like her touch calms me.

"Why did you ask me to come for a walk?" Her voice comes out raspy against the cool night air.

"I just wanted to spend time with you".

"We see each other every day at school, Jen. And we were together all afternoon at tutoring with Miss Park. What's up?" She gives my hand a squeeze.

A car approaches us, illuminating the dark street. Am I really about to tell her how I feel? I can't. Yes, you can. No! Just go for it, Jennie.

I stop walking, Jisoo pulling to a halt beside me. I can feel myself starting to lose it.

"Jen, what's wrong?"

The car dims it's lights and Jisoo's face looks so beautiful with the light angle.

"I, um, well... um." I fade off, my voice betraying me and my heart racing a mile a minute. The car passes us and out of the corner of my eye I spot the driver. "Miss Park?"

"Miss Park? What did she do? Did she say something to upset you at tutoring when I went to get us a coffee?" Jisoo's face displays anger and worry. All of her emotions directed at me.

"What? No! Miss Park was the driver of that car that just drove past us!"

Jisoo doesn't seem fazed at all by what I said. "So? She might live down this way."

"Maybe... but why is she turning into Lisa's driveway?" This catches Jisoo's attention. She turns around to look at the black vehicle that just pulled into our best friends house. "Why do you think she's going to Lisa's house?"

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