I Got You Coffee!

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"Hey, I got you coffee!"

I drop my pen down onto my paper and look up at the speaker of the all too familiar voice coming from my doorway. There she stood, in all her glory, holding a takeaway cup of coffee from the truck that parked just outside the school grounds. "Lisa, you didn't have to do that."

I had to call off running this morning because I had been called into an early meeting, but Lisa showing up here had made up for it a million times over.

"I know I didn't have to" she takes a big step into the classroom and shuts the door behind her "but I wanted to".

She walks over to me with a spring in her step and places the coffee cup on my desk in front of me, the twisting motion of her body and the movement of her arms making her abs look like a fucking meal right now.

With a dorkish grin on her face she leans down and places a soft kiss on my freshly glossed lips.


I can't help but look at her eyes, and I can see how deep they really are. Layer after layer, spirals of emotions and colour and experience that she keeps to herself. The swirls of brown that circled her iris caused my mind to go completely blank. I return her smile. "Hi".

"So," she leans back and pushes herself up to take a seat on the edge of my desk, her legs right next to my shoulder "Today is the first day of 'us'. You still want to do this?"

"Lisa, of course I do. I mean, I'm nervous and I've never exactly been in this position before, but I like you a lot. And I want us to at least give it a try." A breath of relief slips through her lips and they part slightly.

"How was your meeting?"

"It was boring," I shrugged, pushing myself back in my chair so I could sit more in front of her rather than beside her. "But my morning is much better now that you're here".

She leans down and gently lifts my chin up using her fingertips before connecting our lips together again. I can barely feel her lips touching mine. Like butterfly wings, gently beating against the air on a windless day. The warmth of her skin made my head fuzzy and the sweet scent of her shampoo lingered in my nostrils, but there was no way I was going to break this kiss too quickly.

I kept my word and it wasn't me who broke the kiss, Lisa pulled away first and pecked my nose slightly. She leans back on her hands and her cropped shirt edges up a little higher than its meant to. Two words come to my mind; 'holy fuck'. The fact that she's also wearing jeans and combat boots with a cropped shirt just make me think dirty things that I probably shouldn't be thinking while we are having such a sweet moment.

"So, are you busy tonight at all?"

"Um, I promised to help Jennie with her bedroom, they're painting their house so I offered to help. But I'll be free around 6.30? Why?" She picks at her fingernails and pauses as if she's thinking about why I asked her that question.

"Because silly, I was wondering if you wanted to come over? We could like watch a movie and just chill." I wheel my chair around the slightest bit so I'm settled right between her legs and I can rub her sides while I talk. "Order a pizza and I can drop you home when we are done or I could drop you at a friends house. What do you think?'

The soft smile she is giving me while I try not to stutter while suggesting that she come over to my apartment turns into a grin as I come to the end of my question.

"I'd love to, did you want me to bring anything?"

"Just yourself will be great." A smile lingers on my lips and I can't help but giggle at how cute she looks right now. "Class starts in 5 minutes, you should go and find Jennie and Jisoo before they wonder where you got too."

She sighs and pushes herself up off the desk and my face is literally so close to her abs, I'm desperately trying not to look at them too much.

"So," she pecks my lips one more time "I'll see you later then?"

I smile. "See you later, beautiful."

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