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"Ugh, the smell of paint is killing me."

Jennie threw herself down on her bed that had been moved to the middle of her bedroom while the walls were being painted. The two of us had made a start on painting the room and we've only been doing it for an hour and a half,  and Jennie was already complaining.

"We've been at it for so long and I'm intoxicated from these fumes." She whinged.

"Jen, why don't you just sleep in the spare room while your walls are being painted?" I sit down beside her and trace my finger along her spine. "Like seriously, you won't have to smell paint."

"I know, but I just love my bed"

I scoff "You have no problem sleeping in mine or Jisoos bed. What's so bad about the spare bed?" This girl honestly.

"I've slept in your bed and Jisoo's bed like five hundred times, so I'm used to and comfortable with the feel of them. I haven't slept in the guest rooms for ages, I just wouldn't sleep". I remember when Jennie slept over my house for the first time, she had told me that she needed to have lots of sleepovers so she could properly get the feel of my bed, she's a weird one.

"Fair enough."

She sits up suddenly and whips her head around to face me.

"So, Lalisa" the way she said my name, I just know she's about to interrogate me. "What's been happening with you? You've been ditching us every lunch break. Is something going on?"

My heart speeds up and my cheeks become hot. "Um no? Why would something be going on?"

"Because you've been going to Miss Parks classroom every lunch time for 2 weeks."

I feel like my insides had done a front flip. My stomach churned and my mind fogged up a little. No one can know about us. The things that Rosie is risking just to be with me.

"Oh that? Yeah she's been busy in the afternoons so she offered to move our tutoring sessions to lunchtime so we can still do it. Why? Did you think something was going on?" I hated lying to my best friend. But I couldn't risk Rosie's career and everything she had worked for.

"We just didn't know what you were doing. Like, going to a teachers classroom every lunch break? Isn't that weird?"

"Well, honestly not really. She's really nice so I've felt fine." Crap. We had to be more careful with our situation.

"She's hot though, I wouldnt mind spending my lunch times with her" Jennie whistles and sinks down into her bed, giving me a slight smirk.

"On another note, I got hit on today!" Jennie's lips turned slightly upwards at the edges and a glimmer of amusement shone in her eye.

"Oh yeah? By who?"

"Levi, he also asked if I wanted to go out with him next week."

"And what did you say?" Not looking at me, Jennie shook her head. "Aww why not? He's a nice guy! He's good looking too."

"Yeah I know he's nice and good looking." The amused look from before was gone. "But he's not Jisoo." She hung her head and a single tear fell down her cheek. The trail it left behind glistening against Jennie's bedroom light, only to be quickly wiped away by my hand which had found its way to her face.

I pulled her in close to my chest and kissed the top of her head. The sudden rush of her tears now dampens my t-shirt. It's not a common thing for Jennie to cry, but when she does it's heartbreaking.

"How can I get hit on and asked out by so many people but the one person that I want, doesn't want me back?" Her words came out in between sobs and I tried my hardest not to cry along with her. "Why do I have to love someone who will never see me as more than a friend?" I squeeze the little body that's buried into my chest and rub her back.

"Jen, look at me." Slowly she raised her head to look at me, her tear-stained eyes were red and puffy, the happy spark that I usually see is long gone. "Give Jisoo a chance. Who knows, you both might surprise each other." She looks confused and tired. I can see her thinking about what I said, but it makes no sense inside of her head. When she comes to a conclusion I see her switch off and she leans into me once again. And we just sit, no words need to be exchanged.

And as I've learned happens pretty frequently, the moment was disrupted by a phone.

Received - 5.45 pm
From: Rosie🌹

So, I've set everything up! Let me know when you're on your way and I'll make popcorn. You do like popcorn, don't you?

With one arm around Jennie, I grasp my phone with the other and struggle to type with my left hand. The soft rise and fall breathing of the girl on my lap has become a repetitive pattern and I realise that she's fallen asleep.

Sent - 6.25 pm

Okay, I'm leaving Jennie's house now. She's fallen asleep on me, so I'll lay her in her bed then I'll be right over. Her house is only around the corner from mine so I'll only be like 10 - 15 minutes.

And yes, I do like popcorn

I drop my phone onto the cupboard next to me and scoop up the fragile frame into my arms. Jennie's only pretty light, and I'm stronger than I look. I walk around the bed and place her down so she's laying comfortably, grab my jacket and slowly shut the door behind me.

Sent - 6.29 pm
To - Jennie

My mum needed me. Message me when you wake up 😘

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