Lets Go

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I try not to look awkward as I walk up the aisle of desks to Miss Park's desk. The rest of the class paid me absolutely no mind in their scramble to get out the door and go to lunch. Today she was wearing a simple plain white dress with her hair out, she was exquisite. She hadn't worn this outfit to school yet, which I guess now that I think about it, is a little creepy that I knew that.

My new running buddy turned around to face me after saying goodbye to the last student in line with a wave and a smile. "Lisa! Hi! Have you asked your parents about Friday afternoons?" She beckons towards her desk so we both walk over and take a seat, me in front of her desk, her behind.

"Uh, yeah I have. I asked my mum about it yesterday afternoon, and she said that it was fine as long as it's not too much trouble for you." I fidget with my bracelet, picking at the small charms, which I've noticed I do when I'm nervous, and since I'll be seeing Miss Park a lot more now, I'm sure I'll be doing it a lot.

She sits back and smiles. "Lisa, I promise it's no problem. I want to help you, I really do. Now, did you want to come with me after school on Friday? I'll drive us from school and then after we've finished at the café I can drop you home."

"That would be great. Did you just want me to meet you here?"

"Um..." she thought for a moment before continuing "Yes actually, meet me here straight after school on Friday."


Miss Park's tutoring session has been the only thing on my mind all week, and now it's just 10 minutes until the bell sounds. However, I've been checking the time every five seconds, but each second feels like it lasts ten minutes. Why is time flowing at such a snail's pace?

My eyes fly up to the clock every few seconds until it finally reaches the hour, at which point I leap from my chair and speed down the hall, receiving a "Bye!" from Jennie as I pass through the doorway. And now, because I wasn't paying attention, I had a great shock as I collided with something solid and slammed it to the floor.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I extend my hand to the person I'd just sent flying and help in pulling them to their feet. A petite hand took the arm I offered, accompanied by soft laughter. When I finally came to my senses and focused on the girl I had knocked over, I was stunned. She was stunning, a brunette with a gummy smile and a perfectly placed beauty spot on her nose.

When did all these beautiful people move to Melbourne?

"It's okay! I'm not one to hate on someone for an accident." Despite the fact that she had just pulled her hand away from mine, she smiled and stretched it out again. "I'm Mina."

Her voice was soft and sweet, and it suited her. Still surprised, I take her hand in mine, and she surprises me even more with a firm handshake. "Lisa," I tell her my name, and after a few seconds of just staring at each other, I remember that I have somewhere to be.

"I uh, I actually have somewhere to be so... I have to get going. Sorry again. But I guess I'll see you around!"

"Yeah, I'd definitely like that".

I give her one last smile before squeezing her shoulder. She hums a farewell, and I dash off once again down the corridor to my English classroom.

When I got there Miss Park had her bag over her shoulder and was looking around the hallways. She looked... nervous? When she caught my eye she broke into a grin and waved. My heart jumped and I didn't waste a single second before I waved back at her and smiled as best I could. I was excited to spend the afternoon with her, even though she was just going to be helping me with my schoolwork.

"Are you ready to go Lisa?" She gave me a small smile as she looked at me. But before I could even give her a nod, she dashed down the hall, leaving me to chase after her. While trying to keep up with her quick pace, I was doing my best to comb through my bangs roughly with my fingers and hoist my backpack up over my shoulder, which was proving difficult.

When we reached the large double doors that formed the entryway to the school, she stopped to a halt, causing me to ram right up into her backside. My whole body smacked into her and I think my hand touched her ass... which made me blush furiously.

"Shit! Oh my god, I'm so sorry Miss!" I pull my hand away from her body at lightning speed like I had touched something hot. The heat in my cheeks did nothing to help hide my embarrassment. 

But she just chuckled and continued walking again, now I'm so confused as to what the point of her whole stopping act was.

Oh my god, she walks fast. Not even my famously long legs can keep up. I'm speed walking to keep up with her quick pace, but she seems to be calm. By the time we reach the end of the teacher's car park, I am almost jogging after her.

She strides over to a black car and turns around to wait for me, giggling as I make a dramatic face because she was walking so quickly. "Come on Manoban!" She teases.

Her car wasn't messy. But it wasn't neat-freak clean either. She had a few CD's in the glove box, one or two gum wrappers in the cup holders and a school folder had been thrown onto the back seat. Her car smelled of her perfume, but not too strongly. The sweet familiar smell that surrounded her filled my nostrils and I was enjoying it thoroughly. It was a fancy car I will say, and it looked fairly new.

"Sorry about the mess. I didn't have time to clean up yesterday." She pulled down her mirror and quickly fixed her hair before taking out a CD and popping it into the stereo. It was a little odd for her to be using CD's because everyone just connected their phones through Bluetooth.

"Trust me, my room is way worse. It's like a horror movie in there."I can't help but stare at her as she runs her fingers through her long hair. She was mesmerising.

The music starts playing and I realise that I know the song, so I hum along. "You like this band too?" I nod my head and her face lights up.

She lifts up her mirror, gives me a grin and says "Are you ready?" Before starting the engine.

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