Friday Night

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Received - 5.45 pm
From: Jennie 🙈

Bitch, it's Friday night. We're having a sleepover. Be here at 7.

So I guess that's what I'll be doing tonight. My night of peace and quiet tossed out the window, only to be replaced with whatever Jisoo and Jennie are going to throw at me.

Sent - 6.00 pm
To: Jennie 🙈

Sounds good, I'll be there soon.

Sent - 6.02 pm
From: Rosie 🌹

Going over Jennie's for the night, I'll still call you later xx

I pretty much already have my own drawer at Jennie's house so I didn't need to pack a whole lot of clothes. Just something to wear to bed and a toothbrush, but other than that I was good. So I was already walking to her house at 6.30.

The sun was almost gone, the darkness taking its place. So, it was noticeable when a car turned down the street that I was walking on and started driving up behind me. Slowing down right next to me. Now I've seen a way too many crime and murder shows to remain calm in this situation. My anxiety multiplies by 1000 and I quicken my walking pace, not daring to look at the car.

"Going for a walk Manoban?" The voice that comes from the car makes the heat rise in my cheeks and my body grow hot.

"Fuck off, Issac".

Laughter echos from the drivers side of the expensive vehicle and he speeds up to match my quick pace, revving his car in the process. Please please please Jennie's street is one turn away and then I can get away from this Jackass.

"I'm having a piss up tomorrow night, you should come. Who knows, you might even get a fuck for once in your life!"

I stick my middle finger up at him and continue walking, still refusing to look at the car.

"You should bring Kim too... she definitely needs to let loose". We turn into Jennie's street and I quicken my pace even further. I can see Jennie's driveway from here.

When I reach the driveway without any further comments from Issac about me getting fucked at some party, I give him one last middle finger and turn into Jennie's house... well Jennie's mansion.

Mr Kim was the CEO of a large business in Melbourne, so Jennie's family was loaded. Of course, she doesn't flaunt her money around like Issac, but she's quiet about it. Barely anyone at school knows that Jennie's house would be 5x the size of theirs.

Knowing the front door was unlocked I entered and removed my grass covered shoes and dumped them just outside the front door. No one seemed to be in the living room or kitchen, which left me one more option; Jennie's bedroom.

I grip the side of the marble staircase and begin to make the long journey up to the top level of Jennie's house. I swear all of the muscle in my legs is from walking up and down this fucking staircase. Hearing Jisoos laughter coming from behind Jennie's bedroom door confirms they they're in there. But I can hear both of them laughing and Jennie squealing every few seconds. What the hell is going on in there?

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