No Jeans

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"So you need to clean your room Lisa!"

I groaned and flopped my head down on the kitchen table, my head slapping against the wood. It hurt more than I thought it would and I am sure that the impact left a little red mark on my forehead.

"The party is not being held in my room mum! I really don't think anyone will be going in my room seeing as my door will be closed the whole time"

I have been pettily arguing with my mother for the past 5 or so minutes. Mostly her just pointing out how much of a slob I am, which I guess is fair. But that still doesn't make me any happier about having to clean my bedroom for a fancy party that she is holding downstairs..

"Please Lis, we haven't had a party for a while. And one of my old friends, her daughter has just moved back home so we want to invite them as well. It's only a few families coming."

I soften and finally cave, my mother, giving me a teasing but victorious smirk. "Who is coming anyway?"

"Both Kim Families, The Robert Family, The Han Family, The Park Family and their daughter... I can't remember her name, The Sun Family, and the Gibbs Family."

I stopped listening after she said that Jennie and Jisoo will be here. Thank god I can just hang out with them the whole time, I won't have to socialise as much as I usually have to. Mum holds these parties probably twice a year, something we used to do in Thailand and realised that in this suburb of Melbourne it was very common.

"You have a red mark on your forehead." My mother calls out to me as I sulk up the stairs and get to work on the horror scene that I shamelessly call my bedroom. I'm not that much of a messy person, but when it comes to school assignments, I don't have much time to be neat. In Jennie's room, on the other hand, there wouldn't be a single item out of place. When it comes to her bedroom, the girl is a neat freak.

Jennie's dad is a shareholder in many companies, while her mother is a businesswoman, so her family is insanely rich and their house is something out of a movie. Always super tidy and it is definitely the largest house in our area. Jennie's bedroom is probably my favourite room in her house. It's just so different from Jennie's image. It's filled with bookcases holding literally hundreds of books, she has a huge bed that all 3 of us fit in when we sleepover, plus a large flat-screen TV. So most of our sleepovers happen at Jennie's house.

I was halfway through shoving everything that I own into my closet when Mom sticks her head through the door and tells me that if I wear jeans tonight, she will kill me. She's lucky I love her I swear.


"Lisa! Are you dressed yet?! They're coming in 10 minutes!!" My mother's voice echoes from the kitchen, the slight strain letting me know she's both stressed and rushed.

"I'll be down in 5 Mumma!" Since I'm not allowed to wear jeans I decided on... a skirt (:o). I pair a blue button up blouse with a black skirt that stops halfway up my thighs. If I wear nice earrings, mum will definitely be satisfied with the family appearance.

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