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"Lisa! Can I speak to you after class please?"

The number of murmurs and chuckles that accompanied this statement was ridiculous, but I can understand why because it was well known among our grade that I was not our previous English teacher's favourite student. In my defence, it wasn't my fault that he was an old fuckwit who took a job as a teacher despite the fact that he despises children more than anything else.

The last few seconds of the class went by painfully slowly but when the bell finally rang up to signal the end, I was wishing I had longer to prepare. Miss Park sat, her long hair sitting over her shoulders. When I approached her desk after the room had cleared, she didn't give me her usual happy or cheerful smile, but rather a look of concern.

"Lisa, I am aware that English was previously not your strongest subject. But, you have been doing extremely well in my class." She tucks her chair beneath her desk and props herself up on her elbows. Now I was completely perplexed because her words contradicted her expression. "Although lately, you've been slipping a little. You're so much more distracted than usual. Is everything alright at home?"

For a split second, I was stunned. I hadn't realised how bad things had gotten. I mean, nothing is going on at home; it's what's going on at school that's been eating away at me. It was her. With our morning runs becoming like a little tradition, although we had never actually discussed them before. I had overcome my defeat and embarrassment in our first run and gave into the look of disappointment on Miss Parks face when I didn't show up the next day. So now it was like a silent agreement that we ran together every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

I've recently caught myself daydreaming in class while staring at her. Of course, I thought about her before, but now I knew what she looked like sweaty, breathless and in workout gear. I'm surprised she hasn't noticed yet, because I'm not very subtle. So, when it came time to work, I was at a loss.

"No! Everything is fine at home! But, I do realise that I have been getting distracted. It won't happen again, Miss."

She reaches over and touches my arm, her cold hands on my bare skin make me tingle. "Are you sure? Because I'm alway here to help if you need me. Okay?" She runs her fingers along my arm, goosebumps rising on my skin. "We could do tutoring sessions with you as well if you want? We could do them on a separate day to Jisoo so you can learn without any distractions. I don't mind tutoring another student if you wanted to?

An afternoon a week with just Miss Park? I'll take it.

"I mean I'd like that. Are you sure?" To be honest, I felt a little guilty for accepting her offer, primarily because I wanted to spend more time with her, and because of how pure her intentions were.

"I don't mind at all. How do Friday afternoons sound? Those are the only days that I'll be able to offer unless your parents are okay with us doing it on the weekend?" She finally releases her grip on my arm to sweep her hair off of her shoulders and I can finally relax a little. That is until I caught sight of her creamy, sculpted collarbones that became exposed when she moved her hair.

I didn't even stop to think. "Um, Friday? Yes. Yes. Yes, that should be good! I'll see you later!" I practically choke out the words and pick up my bag so I can hurry out before she could stop me and ask if I was okay. I take off down the hallway, my shoes slipping and sliding across the floor of the main hallway. I didn't stop until I reached my locker, far away from that classroom.

My sweaty hands were calmed by cool metal as I fumbled with the lock. For a moment there I forgot my code, my brain overflowed with some newfound thoughts. All I could think about was what had just happened and how weird she must think I am. I see her

I gathered my books and dashed to Jisoo's locker, hoping to catch her before the second bell rang to begin period 2. She was closing her locker just as I arrived "Jisoo! Come here!" I yell at her from across the noisy hallway. Two boys who had been chasing a grade 7 student came to a halt to see what all the fuss was about.

Jisoo turned to face me, her eyes widening as she saw me barrelling towards her at full speed. "Jisoo!" Once I got to her, I spoke softly, struggling to get my words out because of how quickly I had run through the school halls with so little fitness. "What do you think of Miss Park?"

Jisoo raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Miss Park?" My best friend's lips curved into a smile, a playful gleam in her eyes. "I told you! I knew it! You have a crush on a teacher!" She was trying not to laugh.

"I know and it's so weird and awkward but she's so pretty! And her skin is so flawless, and her hair is always perfect, and her eyes are gorgeous, and she's so smart, and she's so nice and caring and she cares about my home life, and her face is -". I stop mid rant as I can see that Jisoo is smiling at me, in a really weird way. How I picture myself to be smiling at Jennie whenever she talks about how perfect Jisoo is.

"What?" I look at her.

She shrugs. "I don't know, I guess it's just different for me to see you so infatuated. I'm a little concerned because she seems to have taken a liking to you too. But she's our teacher so of course, nothing is going to happen. You're not gay if you haven't had a crush on that one hot teacher at school."

"Oh yeah? And what would you know about being gay?" I roll my eyes playfully, giving her a nudge.

"Nothing from personal experience, but I have picked up some gay rites of passage from you over the years".

Honestly, it's times like these that I understand why Jennie is so smitten with her. Jisoo is the sweetest and most vibrant person I've ever met.


"Mumma!" I shut the front door behind me and sling my backpack onto the nearest chair.

"In the kitchen!"

"Do you remember when I told you about Miss Park?" I kick off my shoes and place them into the rack by the door.

"The English teacher?" When I walk into the kitchen, my mother looks up from her cooking and leans over the bench in front of her, giving me a look.

"Yes her. Well, I'm doing really well in her class so far this year. But she's offered me some extra help because of everything that went on last year. So, can I do Friday afternoons with her? I'm not sure exactly where we will be going but she needs permission to take me off-campus. She offered to drive me from school with her and then drop me home after. It doesn't cost any money." I give her my best smile.

"That sounds fine Lis, if you want to get some extra help then go for it."

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