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"All of these pieces look the fucking same!" Lisa whines and smacks her head onto the shitty plastic hospital table.

She'd been really restless this morning, so I had taken her for an extra long walk around the hospital, bought her a doughnut from the shop, and now we were sitting at one of the tables in the play area doing the puzzle that I bought.

"That's why it's called a puzzle!" She keeps her head down on the table but cracks open an eye so she can look at me, an unamused expression spread across her face.

"I'm bored." Lisa sits up and pulls her beanie off, her messy hat hair out for everyone to see. Her bangs were sticking out at all angles when Lisa flattened them back down and pulled her beanie back over her head.

"Well, what do you want to do?"  It's only lunchtime at the moment so if Lisa's bored already I'm gonna have to come up with some ways to keep her entertained. Honestly, it's like having a kid.

"You could sit on my face."

I choke a little and my head shoots up to meet her smirk. "Lisa!" I glance around the room to make sure no one heard, but I don't think she realised how loud she said it because one of the nurses sitting at a table nearby, eating her lunch, was looking at us out the corner of her eye and trying to hold in laughter.

"What? Just because I can't move doesn't mean you can't!" She still hasn't realised how fucking loud she is because she is absolutely oblivious to the lady shaking with laughter beside us. "And your hospital look is one of the sexiest things I've ever seen!" She motions to my body and honestly I have no idea what the hell shes talking about. I look awful. My hair has been up in a bun for the past 3 days at least, I was wearing sweat pants and a black, fitting t shirt. I hadn't put makeup on for days on end.

"Lis, you can't even walk yet!" I face palm myself and shake my head. Strands of hair that didn't fit into my bun fell loose in front of my face.

"No, but my tongue works just fine!"

"Okay, you can stop now!" I stand up from the table and throw the puzzle pieces back into the box. Lisa smirking and laughing at my flushed face. God, she's so loud. I glance over at the nurse and by now she has abandoned her lunch and is trying to cover her laughter.

I walk around to Lisa's side of the table and gather pieces from there, leaning over the table slightly. A firm slap lands on my left buttcheek and I immediately know that Lisa is the culprit.


The nurse across the room finally lets her laughter go, cackling at the crackhead smile that Lisa is giving me right now. I grip Lisa's wheelchair and pull her back from the table, placing the puzzle box on her lap. I push her out of the room.

"That lady could hear you! You're so loud!"


"Does it ever still feel tender?"

I nod my head at the girl in my arms. The both of us were laying in Lisa's hospital bed, my shirt pulled up high enough to expose my scars. Lisa's fingers gently traced along my healed wound, while every now and then glancing down at the bandages that covered her raw one.

To get her mind off of it, I move my hand over to hers and lock our fingers together. In books or movies you often hear that when soulmates hold hands, it's like their hands 'fit together so perfectly! Like they were made for each other'. Yeah that's not the case with Lisa and I. Because honestly, Lisa's hands are fucking huge and that did make hand holding feel a little odd. But, because it was Lisa that I was holding hands with, that's what made our hands fit together perfectly. The feeling I get from holding hands with the girl that I'm in love with.

"Rosie, can you do something for me tonight?" Lisa winces a little and twists her body so she is facing me.


"Well... you did my skin care for me the other night and you've been showering me for like 5 days now." Lisa's talking pace picks up and I know she's asking about something that will embarrass her. Just like the other day when she started her period and was embarrassed of me showering her while she was bleeding. As if I would freaking care. I get my period too, girl.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, what is it?"

Her face goes slightly red and she blushes. "Can you shave my legs please?"

I laugh at her red face and the fact that she was so awkward to even ask that question. "Yes baby I'll shave your legs".

"Thank god, I feel like a gorilla!"

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