The Plan

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I wasn't even ready when Jennie pulled up in my driveway and began honking like a madwoman. Every time she would honk my mom would yell at me to hurry the hell up. I was doing the best I can! After finally winning the battle that was going on between me and my bangs, I threw my bag over my shoulder and bolted down the stairs.

"I've been waiting for 20 mins. Jesus Lisa. Were you doing a really intense shit or something?" I shook my head as I threw my bag into the passenger seat and climbed into the car.

I scoff, lowering the mirror in front of me and patting down my ruffled up hair, which was the reason for my tardiness. "Yes, Jennie! That's exactly what I was doing!" Jennie shifted into reverse and drove out of the driveway and onto the road.

"Well, how would I know? You're comfortable enough taking a shit at my house and I know how long they take!" Jennie aggressively points an accusing finger at me, but I could tell she was just trying to get a reaction out of me. "Also since when do you care so much about your hair? I swear you've been trying extra hard lately".

"Okay, can we stop talking about my morning shits, please? Are we picking Jisoo up today?" I don't even know why I asked. For some reason, I thought Jisoo would want to avoid Jennie. But Jennies confused face that she shot at me made me realise that this probably wasn't the case.

"Um, yeah? Why wouldn't we be? We pick her up every morning?"

"Well, I don't know! I was just asking. Calm your tits" she chuckled at my comment and took off down the road.

It only takes us about 3 minutes to reach Jisoo's house when driving. So there's not much time for me to mentally prepare myself or strain my mouth from smiling when Jisoo gets in the car. Her and Jennie would be so fucking cute.

I had spent the entire weekend planning what I could do to get Jennie and Jisoo alone. So far, I've decided to simply leave them alone in the cafeteria halfway through lunch break. Just ditch them every day and they'll have to talk to each other. My brilliant mind was suffering a little at the moment and couldn't produce anything better than that.

"Lisa" Jisoo pipes up from the back seat. "Can I borrow your phone for a second? Mine is flat and I just have to look something up."

I toss her my phone and it lands on the seat beside her with a thud. When she asked for my phone. I didn't even consider the fact that -

"Oh my god, Lisa. Why do you have Miss Park's number? And why is there a little smiley face next to her name?"

Shit. I forgot to close the text messages between Miss Park and I last night. We had been sending little messages to each other all weekend. All about my English assignment and what we were going to cover over our next session.

"She um- she emailed me on Saturday morning. And because she dropped me off at your house on Friday, Unni, she wanted to make sure that I got home okay. So then she suggested that I have her number so we can organise tutoring and stuff like that." I blurted that all out so fast, I'm sure I've set a new record or something.

"So this is purely for tutoring?" Jennie whips her head around and looks at me, losing her focus on the road.

"Yes. Focus on the road, Jennie."

"And all you two message about is English?" Jisoo's deeper voice calls out from the back seat.


Well... English and a few possibly flirty (that or I just suck at flirting) messages about running in the mornings.

"Then why didn't she give me her number?"

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