I won't be long

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"I'm just going to go and buy a new phone charger, I won't be long, okay?"

Lisa gives me a small pout after I bend down to give her a kiss. "Okay...". I'm only ducking to a store 3 buildings away, so I'll be around 30 mins.

I put one of Lisa's jackets on and find a cap to hide my hospital hair. Even though I'd been washing it here using the shower in Lisa's room, it was always fluffy and everywhere. Next time I have to go home, I'll have a proper shower.

The shopping centre was only 3 buildings down the road, but it would take me a while once I got in to actually get to the shop itself.

"Bye beautiful, I'll be back soon." I leave Lisa alone in the room, letting the nurse know that I'm leaving on my way out. They don't usually do anything other than give Lisa her medicine unless I'm there, they know that she's not comfortable being there alone so they always wait until I return before doing anything major.

The shopping centre was busier than I thought it would be, especially on a Tuesday afternoon. But it wasn't too bad. I make sure to go straight to the shop I needed to and grab the first charger I saw, not stopping for anything unnecessary because I know how much Lisa hates being on her own at the hospital.

Lining up to pay, I realised that there is only once cashier available. Standing in his bright red shirt, I kind of felt nervous walking over to him. Although I don't know why.

"Hello Issac!"

The boy doesn't recognise me at first, although I don't blame him. I look like a fucking mess right now. But when it finally registers to him who I am, he seems to grow very uncomfortable.

"Hello Miss... are you coming back to school soon?" He picks up the charger and places it in front of the scanner, waiting for my answer.

"Um, no I'm not. I'm transferring! So I won't be your teacher anymore. But, I'm sure you guys will love whoever gets you next!"

Does he look... sad?

"Oh, yeah okay. Well, thanks for being such a great teacher." He bags my purchase with his head down and doesn't say much.

"I enjoyed teaching you Issac. Good luck in the future." He gives me a smile and hands me the plastic bag containing my items. I don't know why, even though he was an asshole, I felt sad seeing how much he actually liked having me as a teacher.

I got out of that shopping centre as quick as possible, not stopping to even pick up a drink or some food for Lisa like I always do when I go out. I can take her down to the shop at the hospital when I get back, but I'd been gone for a while already and I didn't like Lisa being there on her own.

The drive back took about 3 seconds but the hospital Carpark was hell. Did every single person in Melbourne come to visit sick family members today or something?

I just gave up in the end and parked in the street and walked the rest of the way. I mean, it was quicker than driving around pointlessly looking for a park that wasn't there.

Nearly falling over myself in the doorway, a lot of heads turned to look at me being so clumsy, but honestly I don't really care. The ward that Lisa was staying in wasn't too far from the main entrance to the hospital.

Smiling to the male nurse at the entrance I rushed through the corridor to room number 27, but just as I got to number 25, Lisa rounds the corner of her room, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Rosie!" Lisa calls out, a grin planted across her face. "Look!"

She was up on her own feet, walking with the assistance of only one nurse. Lisa was clutching onto the nurses arm like her life depended on it, but she was still standing and taking small shaky steps on her own. Everyone in the corridor stopped to watch the girl walk. Nearly every nurse/doctor in here knew about Lisa, so they were all watching her with a smile.

Not caring that the whole corridor would see me, I take 2 steps forward so I'm touching her and pull her in gently for a kiss. Careful not to pull her off balance because she's still a little shaky. When our lips meet I can feel her smiling against me, proud of herself.

It wasn't until I heard a small gasp that I pulled away and turned to face Mina. Standing there, holding a box of bandages like she was ready to come and try get Lisa to let her shower her. But that plan of hers flies out the window when Lisa lets go of the nurses arm so she can wrap her own around my neck to kiss me properly.

With her full body weight on me, I switch our positions so she's holding onto me the same way that she was holding onto the nurse, her nails piercing my skin but I couldn't care less. She was doing amazing.

"You did well babygirl."

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