Chapter 31 The Female Titan

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Alexia POV

I was riding my horse with my team. 

I was with the right flank scout squad. 

In this squad whenever we see a Titan, we need to fire a red smoke signal. 

‘Tsk, this is so annoying’ I thought.

“A 14-meter-class Titan!” I heard the squad leader yell.

I then looked up ahead, where a really ladylike Titan was coming out of the forest. Just then, the squad leader was about to shoot a red smoke signal. But then a horde of Titans came out of the forest behind the Female Titan.

“Retreat!” I heard someone yell, but it was too late.

The Titans severely slaughtered all soldiers before any of them had a chance to fire a signal. 

Luckily, I found a tall tree and used my 3D Maneuver Gear to climb up. I was about to go help the survivors but was stopped by the squad leader.

"Suzuki!" the squad leader yelled.

"Leave us and stop that Female Titan!" he yelled.

"But..." I began, but he stopped me.

"LEAVE!" he yelled.

I stared at him for a short moment before nodding. 

I called my horse then used the 3D Maneuver Gear to get on it. 

Immediately, I ran after the Female Titan. 

I was in a rage, I couldn’t believe that my comrades died in front of me. I chased after the Female Titan for so long already. 

Just then, I saw her kneel down next to Armin. Lizzy was next to them on her horse with a terrified look on her face. 

‘I won’t let you hurt them’ I thought.

I took my twin swords out and cut off her fingers. Immediately, she got up and took off running. I then landed next to Armin.

“Tsk, I'm sick and tired of chasing you” I said.

The dust then cleared.

“A… Al… Alex!” I heard Lizzy yell my name.

“Are you two alright?” I asked, looking down at Armin. 

“Yeah… Thank you” Armin said.

“Armin! Lizzy! Alex!” I heard someone call. 

We turned around and saw Reiner. He was riding his horse with a spare horse. 

“Hey, are you alright?” he asked. I nodded. 

Just then, my horse came back to me. 

“Good boy” I said, petting his head. 

Riner nodded before looking down at Armin.

“Can you stand?” he asked.

“Yeah” Armin said, getting up.

“Here… you’re dead meat if you don’t have a horse outside the walls” Reiner said, giving his spare horse to Armin.

“Right! Thanks!” Armin replied.

Immediately, we got on our horses and chased after the Female Titan. 

“I saw a smoke signal for Abnormals… wasit for that one Female Titan with the nice ass?” Reiner asked.

“Seriously?” I asked.

“She’s not an Abnormal” Lizzy said.

“She’s a human controlling a Titan’s body!” Armin explained. 

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