Chapter 16 Titan Attack

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Alexia POV

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire, cadets! Time to put your training to work!" a superior yelled.

"Oh my God! I can't believe we're finally going to fight Titans! I'm so excited!" Sophia yelled.

I noticed that almost everyone was staring at Sophia with a 'are you crazy' look. I 'tsk' before hitting her on the head.

"Ouch! What was that for Alex?!" Sophia asked.

"Shut up, you're making a scene stupid" I whispered to her.

She looked around and realized what I was talking about.

"Oops, sorry" she said with a stupid cheesy smile making me roll my eyes. Once we were all done getting ready for battle, we all got into lines and listened to a guy name Kitz speak up.

"I want everyone split into four squadrons, as practiced. All squadrons are responsible for supply-running, message relay, and enemy combat under the command of the Garrison Regiment! The Intercept Squadron will take the vanguard! Cadets will take the middle guard, led by the support squad! Rearguard will go to the elites" Kitz said.

"I expect you all to man your posts knowing the Advance Team has been wiped out" he said. Immediately everyone was in shock.

"That's right, the outer gate is history. The Titans are in. This means the Armored Titan is likely to reappear. If and when he does, the inner gate will also be history" he said.

Immediately people began to mumble things like...

"Is this real?"

"Please be a dream"

"God, what if the bastard manages to burst through Wall Rose?"

"QUIET!" Kitz yelled.

"Right. Those in the vanguard, get set. The whole area is saturated. Your mission is a very simple one. Defend the wall till the evacuation is done. Now, be aware, all of you, that desertion is punishable by execution. If it comes to it, lay down your lives! Dismissed!" he ordered.

"Sir!" we all yelled except me.

Everyone immediately went crazy. People began to run around while others just sat in a corner. I close my eyes and leaned on a pillar waiting for my three idiot friends.

"What the hell, man? What's wrong with you?" I heard a familiar voice ask someone. I opened my eyes and saw Eren and Jean.

'Oh, no. Not again. Why is it that those two can't get along with each other?' I thought.

"What kind of question is that?" Jean asked angrily.

I sigh in annoyance before walking over to them just when both began to get a little rough against each other. Eren had Jean against a pillar. That's when I grab Eren's hand and pulled him from Jean.

"For once in a lifetime! Could both of you stop fighting?!" I yelled angrily.

Jean growl angrily before leaving. I 'tsk' before also leaving. I was now back on the same pillar that I was leaning on just a moment ago. I saw Sebastian, Lizzy, and Sophia coming my way.

"Alex" Lizzy said.

"Tsk, what?" I asked a little harshly.

"Please take care" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"As if I will let myself die that easily brat" I replied.

"Well, let's hope that we all make it out alive" Sophia said with a chuckle.

"There's nothing funny about this, so stop laughing" Sebastian said.

"Sorry" Sophia said.

"Tsk, Sebastian's right. This is no game. This is the real deal. Take this seriously. If you don't it might cost your life" I said. They all nod.

"Suzuki, you're with me!" I heard someone say. We turned around and saw a superior standing there.

"You've been assigned to the rear guard on special orders. Let's get moving" the superior said.

"See you all when this is over" I said before leaving.

"Be careful!" both Lizzy and Sophia yelled. I smirked.

"Don't die! That's an order!" I yelled back.


Lizzy POV

Well, it's time. The time has come to fight Titans. I'm so scared that I can't stop shaking.

"Lizzy" I heard someone call my name. I looked to my side and saw Sebastian looking at me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm only nervous" I replied.

I'm in a group with Sebastian. Sophia was put in a different group. We were basically separate from both Sophia and Alexia. Sebastian sighed before putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry. Just remember your training. Everything gonna go fine" Sebastian said. I looked at him. I sometimes asked myself "how is he always so calm?" I never see him lose his cool or anything. He's always so calm and relaxed

I close my eyes and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I opened my eyes before nodding with a determined look. Sebastian nodded before looking up ahead.

"Squadron 34, move out! The vanguard needs support!" our superior ordered.

"Right! Give 'em hell!" Eren yelled. Eren, Armin, Thomas, Mina, and two other guys are in our group as well.    

"Yeah!" we all yelled except for Sebastian.

Immediately we all swoop through the air while grappling on walls to move. Just then, we noticed that there were so many Titans.

"There are so many of them!" Mina said.

"The vanguard's been completely overwhelmed!" Thomas said.

"I don't believe this. Those guys always talk so big" some guy said.

"Well, start believing it now" Sebastian said.

Just then, we saw a Titan and it jumped at us just like a spider will do. Immediately we all moved out of the way at the same time. We landed on a roof and looked at the Titan. We watched the Titan hugging the tower. It then tilted his head to the side and we saw Thomas. Immediately my eyes were wide in horror.

"Please. Help me" was all Thomas said before getting swallowed by the Titan. We all then watched the Titan leaving.

"You bastard!" Eren yelled before swooping through the air to catch up to that Titan.

"Eren!" Armin yelled.

"Stupid! Come back!" Sebastian yelled.

Just then one by one everyone started leaving. In the end, it was only me and Sebastian.

"Sebastian, what do we do?" I asked.

"Let's follow them before they get themselves killed" Sebastian said.

And so we follow right behind. I looked up ahead and saw Eren about to catch up to the Titan, but just at that moment a Titan jumped and chomp off Eren's leg.

"Eren!" Armin yelled.

Immediately I came to a stop on a roof and covered my mouth in horror. One by one, I watched everyone get killed. I was frozen. I couldn't move. I felt like throwing up. It's true that I have seen people die before, but this didn't compare to any other death I have seen before.

"Lizzy!" I heard a familiar voice yell my name.

Just then I notice an abnormal Titan jump at me. I tried to move but it was too late. The Titan was in front of me in a matter of seconds. I closed my eyes waiting for my death to happen.

'I'm sorry guys. I'm gonna die' I thought.

Instead of feeling myself getting eaten by the Titan. I felt myself being pushed back. My eyes immediately snapped open. What I saw horrified me. Sebastian was falling in the Titan's mouth. He had a sad smile on his face.

"I'm sorry" was all he said before the Titan shut its mouth.

"SEBASTIAN!" I yelled before falling into an alley.

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