Chapter 3 Broken Promise

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Alexia POV

I woke up the next morning. I look around but didn't see Aniki anywhere in the room.

'Strange. Aniki will always wake me up when he finished taking a shower' I thought to myself.

I stood up, took a small shower, and change into some new clothes before going into the living room where I found Aniki, Farlan, and Isabel getting ready with their 3D Maneuver Gear.

"Where are you all going?" I asked in curiosity.

Finally, they all noticed my presence by facing me.

"We are going to do a job" Aniki replied going back to fixing his 3D Maneuver Gear.

"I will go too" I said.

"No" Aniki said making me look at him with a confused look.

"You're not coming with us. You're staying here" Aniki said as he was done fixing his gear.

"What! Why?!" I yelled.

"We don't need you" Aniki replied with no emotion on his face. I clenched my fists in anger.

Why is Aniki suddenly acting weird?

Why is he saying that they don't need me?

Why is it that I'm not allowed to go?

Why?! Why?! Why?!

"Was it because of her?!" I yelled pointing at Isabel.

"No Alexia" Isabel finally spoke.

"You got it all wrong. You're not going because this job is dangerous" Isabel explained.

"Please...dangerous?! Are you serious?! Don't make me laugh. I'm five times stronger and faster than you and you're still going aren't you?!" I shouted.


I flinch when Aniki yelled at me.

'Aniki has never yelled at me before. Not even when I did something bad' I thought.

Finally, after being silent for so long, I felt the tears begin to form in my eyes. Then I quickly ran out the door in a flash. I ran away as fast as my small legs could take me.

I didn't look back and blocked every sound around me. My main focus was running as far away as possible from what I call home.


I finally came to a stop in a dark alley. I had my face buried in my knees while I let the tears fall off my eyes to the floor.

I don't know how long I stayed there crying but I finally stood up from the dirty floor and looked at myself disgusted before dusting as much dirt off of me as possible.

Once finished, I fixed my clothes before walking out the dark alley to the streets. Just as I was about to walk back home, I felt myself being yanked by the hair. I immediately took my pocket knife out and stabbed whoever pulled me by the hair. I heard a grunting sound before the tight grip on my hair got loose.

I turned around only to find a scary-looking man standing there. He was really muscular with a deep scar that goes from his left eye to his lip. I became shocked when he took the knife out from his side where I stabbed him and he dropped it on the floor like it was nothing.

"Well, well, well, looks like the brat knows how to fight" he said with a smirk on his face.

"You will get me a lot of money once I sell you to the other side" the man said with an evil laugh that scared me.

I don't know why but I have encountered thousands of dreadful men before and have defeated them but this was different. He just had this strange and dark aura surrounding him. It scared me to death. So I did the first thing that came to my mind.


I immediately took off running as fast as my feet could take me. I had to make it back home. I had to make it back to Aniki.

But wait?

Did Aniki even care about me anymore?

Will he be happy if I suddenly disappeared and never come back?

Did he even care if I was killed?

While lost in my thoughts, I was suddenly tackled down to the ground. The man had eventually caught up and ambushed me.

I immediately began to struggle to get free. I couldn't let him take me with him. If he succeeds, I could end up becoming a slave or worse, be killed. 

But one thing for sure, I was not going down without a fight.

So I quickly used my elbow to nug him on the stomach to make him groan in pain. I saw an opening so I took it and slid under him. I turned around and then got into a fighting stance.

I watched the man get up and looked at me with a murderous gaze that made me gulp and began to shake. I was terrified. The man saw me shaking which made him snicker.

"HaHaHaHa! Do you really believe a stinking brat like you can beat me! Don't make me laugh!" the man clamored.

I got so mad that I curled my hand into a fist and aimed for his nose then heard a crackling sound which signifies that his nose was broken.

Just then, I felt a sharp pain that made me cry. I fell to the ground and as I looked down, I saw a dagger plunged deep into my thigh. It hurt so much.

I heard footsteps approaching me so I opened my eyes and gazed up at the man with a bleeding nose. This time he was glaring at me with so much hatred.

"You will pay for that, little runt!" the man yelled while he began to kick and punch me.

Bruises began to form themselves on my body and I couldn't do anything to stop him. My body ached in pain yet I had tears running down my eyes. I screamed when the man stepped on my bleeding thigh with the dagger still inside. I wailed way more when he began to add more pressure on it.

Just as I thought that I was going to die. I heard the sound of a 3D Maneuver Gear not far from where I was. Just then, I thought about Aniki.

With the last strength that my body had left, I pulled the dagger out and pierced it into the man's leg making him cry in agony and fall to the ground.

I heard the 3D Maneuver Gear just up ahead so I looked up and there he was, Aniki on his 3D Maneuver Gear.

"Aniki!" I yelled.

I watched him turn his head around only to see a shocking expression on his face. Just then I felt another pain. I looked down and saw blood coming out of my stomach. I looked back and the man had a smirk on his face.

I turned around to look at Aniki hoping he was coming to save me but then the most unexpected thing happened.

I recalled what he had said to me, that he promised to never leave me, who promised to protect me at all cost...





He was leaving.

Aniki was leaving me. He was leaving me behind. He was leaving me to die.

I felt more tears begin to fall down from my eyes while the world around me began to blurry. The last thing I saw was Aniki's figure disappear in the distance.

You promised
And then you broke the promise

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