Chapter 46 The Armored Titan & The Colossal Titan

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Alexia POV

Finally, we had gotten rid of every single Titan in the area. I quickly landed back on the ground and put my twin swords away after cleaning them, of course. I fixed my uniform, and just as I was about to walk away, I heard a pair of voices yell.

"Alex!" I heard my two idiot friends yell at the same time.

I turned around and suddenly stumbled on my feet as I felt two pairs of arms wrapped around my body tightly. I rolled my eyes and decided to be nice for once and hugged my two idiots back.

"Oh, Alex! It's really you! I thought we were done for!" Lizzy said, small tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, we missed you so much!" Sophia added. I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"Tsk, I missed you two too, brats" I said.

Just then, I saw Sebastian land in front of us. Lizzy and Sophia let go of me, and ran towards Sebastian with tears in their eyes and embracing him in a hug.

"Sebastian!" they both yelled. Sebastian chuckled before hugging them back. Well, more like picking them up from the ground and spinning them in his arms. Then, suddenly, they let go of each other and turned around to look at me.

"What?" I asked. They smiled.

"C'mon, Alex. Join the group hug" Sophia said.

"Oh, hell no! No more hugging for me right now," I said and was about to walk away, but suddenly felt a pair of hands grab me and pull me back into the middle of the three and ended up getting hugged by them.

"Grr, yeah, very nice, brats. Now let go before I beat your guy's ass," I said. They chuckled and finally let go of me. I walked back to the rest of the soldiers with the three right behind.

I watched Sebastian run towards Mikasa, who was giving us a glare for some strange reason. She was standing next to Eren and Armin. He immediately embraced Mikasa in a warm hug and kissed her.

"Whoa, are they together or something?" Sophia asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, you could say that" I said, crossing my arms over my chest. I saw Armin look over at us, and when his eyes landed on Lizzy, he blushed. I saw Lizzy blushed as well and quickly looked a different way. Sophia smirked and leaned over to Lizzy's ears and said.

"You know, Lizzy. You should really tell Armin about how you really feel before something happens to you or him," Sophia said. Lizzy quickly blushed even more than what she was already and immediately covered her whole face with her hands.

"Sophia!" Lizzy whispered yelled. I rolled my eyes at these two brats and decided to walk away from them to join the rest of the scouts. Soon they joined as well. We were all watching the scene in front of us. Krista was kneeled down next to a half bloody Ymir, who was missing a hand and a leg. It turned out that Ymir was also a Titan shifter just like Eren.

"It can't be... Ymir is..." I heard Armin begin but didn't end his sentence because we all already knew what he was about to say.

"Ymir" Krista whispered with teary eyes. Just then, Ymir's eyes flashed open. Krista smiled.

"My real name... is Historia" Krista or Historia said.

'Mm, using a fake name, huh? But why?' I thought to myself.

*Time Skip*

We were finally all back at the top of Wall, Rose.

"C'mon, Lizzy. Hold on tight" I heard Sebastian's voice say. I turned my head around and saw him helping both Sophia and Lizzy up the Wall. I sighed and walked over to them. I stretched my hand, and Sebastian immediately smiled. He grabbed it, and with my help, we pulled both Lizzy and Sophia up the Wall.

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