Chapter 22 Alexia & Sebastian

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Alexia POV




‘That’s my fucken brother. What I'm supposed to do? Hopefully, he doesn't recognize me’ I thought.

My heart was beating like crazy and I couldn't stop shaking. Just then, Sebastian laid a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and read his lips saying ' calm down'. I nodded. I took a deep breath before calming my heart and body down. I needed to calm down and show that I’m not afraid of him. I have to act like I don’t know who he is.

“State your name” he ordered.

“Mikasa Ackerman, sir” Mikasa replied without hesitation at all.

“A… Armin Arlert, sir” Armin replied. I could see that he was nervous.

“Sebastian, sir” Sebastian replied.

Finally, it was now my turn.

‘Shit! Should I tell him my real name or fake name?’ I thought.

I couldn’t move or speak.

“Name?” he asked again making me even more nervous.

Finally, Sebastian nudged me, breaking me from my frozen state.

“Alexander A… Suzuki” I replied.

‘Shit! Shit! I almost said, Ackerman. I almost blow my own cover’ I thought.

I quickly looked away. I couldn't keep staring at him any longer.


Afterward, thanks to the Survey Corps and the Garrison engineers quick response, Wall Rose had once again repelled the Titans advance. An entire day was required to eradicate the Titans from Trost District, with the wall’s fixed cannons firing around the clock. High-explosive shells annihilated the majority of the Titans swarming the wall, and the Survey Corps eliminated the few that remained. Furthermore, a 4-meter-class and 7-meter-class Titan were captured alive. On the other hand, 207 soldiers were killed or missing in action, and another 897 were injured. Repelling the Titans for the first time in history was a noteworthy feat, but simply for too many lives had been lost to allow for celebration.

Before that, Eren and Sebastian were placed in the custody of the Military Police. They were taken away and I found out that they were going to be chained up in a dungeon prison cell in the Royal Capital beneath a courtroom.

Before Sebastian was taken away, I was able to talk with him.


“Alex, what do you think might happen to us?” Sebastian asked once we were far away from everyone.

“I don’t know” I replied.

“Mm… if they decide to kill me, promise me that you won’t try to save me” he suddenly said.

Right immediately, I looked at him with a 'are you crazy' look.

"Sebastian, what are you talking about? You can't be serious?" I asked.

"I'm being dead serious, Alex" Sebastian replied.

“Well, I can't...” I replied.

“Alex, please” Sebastian begged me.

We looked at each other’s eyes. Both of us didn't want anything bad to happen to either of us, but what could we do.

“Please” Sebastian begged once more.

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