Chapter 63 Plan

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Alexia POV

In the end, Aniki offered to hand over Eren, Sebastian, and Historia on three conditions: The Reeves Company will work against the Interior Military Police with the Survey Corps. The Reeves Company will trust the Survey Corps completely. Finally, the Survey Corps will receive priority access to any luxury goods. It was a hard bargain for Reeves, but he agrees in the end. And so, with Reeves' help, he tricked Djel Sanes of the Interior First Squad into a trap so that we could capture him and his partner. We also found a new hidden location to hide.

Currently, we are all listening to the screams echoing from the basement. The screams were well heard from up here, where everyone was sitting around a table with a single candle to illuminate the room. Most of us were silent, while the others were startled.

I didn't care about the screams of agony coming from the basement. I was used to them already from living on the Underground for so long. Heck, I even asked my brother if I could be part of the interrogation and torture, but he refused and ordered me to wait with everyone.

"So, they have started?" Jean asked in shock.

"God... I signed up to fight against Titans, but now I don't even know who our enemies are. So why are we resorting to something like this?" Jean asked, rubbing his face in fatigue.

"Mm, it's nothing. I have heard worse than this" Lizzy said, bored. I saw everyone stare at Lizzy as if she had grown two heads.

"What?! The Underground isn't a pleasant place, you know? But, honestly, this is nothing compared to what we have heard back at the Underground" Lizzy said, but everyone was still staring at all of us as if trying to figure out if what Lizzy was saying was true, which was.

"Either way, we don't have a choice. If we fail here, humanity's just going to be eaten by Titans" Eren said, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, we're planning a coup d'etat just like the Commander wrote. But, I doubt this is all we'll have to do" Sophia said.

"I guess this makes all of us traitors. What's going to happen if we fail?" Sasha asked, scared.

"Well, what do you think, brat? It's an obvious question that could only be answered with being hanged probably in public" I replied with a sigh.

"We're trying to change a system that's continued for over a century" we all heard Armin state as we all listened to him quietly.

"There's no precedent, but why don't we try to get the masses on our side? We can use the confusion caused by all the Titan attacks. If we can agitate them by blaming the attacks on the government, the plan might work out" Armin explained.

"Yeah, but of course, then the government would probably turn its guns on the people, too. So there'd be a lot of tragedies, but that might be unavoidable to save humanity as a whole" Lizzy said. Armin nodded.

"If we get some symbolic incident, we can frame it as if it was all of the government's or the MP's fault. The Survey Corps could appear as saviors, creating the strong impression that we're the only people the masses can trust. I'm sure they'll be easy to fool" Armin explained, which caused us all to go silent for a couple of minutes until Armin spoke up once again.

"Just kidding" Armin said. I rolled my eyes.

'Tsk, this brat can be really scary sometimes' I thought.

"Armin... that perv really messed with your head" Jean said, a little worried for him after what he just said.

"No, Armin's been good at thinking up insidious, underhanded plans" Eren said.

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