Season 2 Episode Sixteen

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Season 2

Chapter Sixteen

I was not ok with the entire situation. This is not how I wanted to conceive a child with Ivar. In a way, he will be Ivar and also Hvitserk and myself, but I do want to have this child. I want everything for it, and I want it to be just like his father. Even if I have to mold it in Ivar's image.

I waited patiently for Hvitserk in our bedroom. It is in the dead of night I sat in nothing but my nightdress. Ivar came in and said, "Hvitserk will be in shortly." I nodded to him only. He sat next to me and said,

"Hvitserk is kind and gentle as you know, I know he will be with you."

I smiled and nodded again, Ivar placed a kiss on my cheek, and said, "I didn't want it to be like this either, no one would think of you of anything less, I promise."

He sniffled looking down as he got up, "I can't wait to lay with you and with your large belly and talk to my son from within." Ivar walked outside leaving me alone in the room. Hvitserk came in moments later. The only thing he had on was his pants. I became nervous, even though I've seen him shirtless before. This presentation is meant for me, personally, this time.

I stood up as he approached me. I couldn't breathe and I felt extremely uneasy. Hvitserk took my face into his hands and gently kissed me. I've loved him before, and now I can feel his love.

"You still love me?" I asked softly.

"I've always loved you," He whispered, placing his lips to my forehead.

"I love you enough to help you and Ivar have this child," He added. He nuzzled his head against mine.

Hvitserk went behind me and grasped my waist, leaned my neck to the side and started to kiss it. I cringed up as the tingles went down my spine. Hvitserk went in front me this time as I looked up and said,

"Hvitserk, I love Ivar too."

"I know, I know," He said passionately, he then kissed me softly. He pulled me closer, lifting me up and bringing me to the bed.

He began lifting up my dress as he grunted, laying his head on mine, "I've been waiting for this my entire life," he groaned. He bit his lower lip as I pulled the covers over us. I must admit, I still love Hvitserk and this is a moment I always wanted from him. He went slow for me as we savored each moment with each other. Although we never uttered once I love you.

Once we were done, Hvitserk held me in his arms as I fell asleep in them. Once I was asleep, he slipped out of bed and dressed and went outside where Ivar was waiting for him. Ivar sat in distraught. Hvitserk sat next to his brother and said,

"Within the weeks to come, we'll know for sure."

Ivar looked up from his hands with tears in his eyes, "I hate you so much now, but I owe you everything," Ivar cried.

"I understand and if you want me to stay away for a while I will."

"YOu ever try to leave me, I will have you hanged!" Ivar commented as he looked back at the window.

Hvitserk smiled, and put an arm around Ivar's shoulder, he pulled him close as he said,

"We were always in favor of the Gods, it'll be a blessing of a child!" Hvitserk said. Ivar couldn't help but smile as he looked up at the stars.


Weeks had passed and I watched myself carefully. Nothing has been different about me. Except for the constant stomach aches and fatigue. I try to keep a steady schedule. I did not sit in the throne as a personal sacrifice for the Gods: I give up my throne for the child. Ivar did the same as well, Kattegat was vulnerable for someone to take the throne. Although, Hvitserk has taken on the role of advisor until I'm for sure I'm with child. I'm forever his in many ways.

Every morning I get up and I have breakfast with Ivar and Hvitserk. I then took a walk around the riverbank, I began to hold my belly, and I took it as a sign that I'm with child. Then I help the other woman in the gardens. It's time to pick the vegetables for the winter harvest. I've always enjoyed that as a little girl.

As I bent down for a carrot and brought myself back up, I became severely sick. Hot liquid came from my mouth and onto my basket. I was embarrassed and confused. The woman helped me back to the Great Hall and laid me down into my bed. That is when they told me- I was with a child. 

"Please, please go find my husband!" I cried. It is a joyous moment.

They found Ivar at Hvitserk's side greeting some more boatmen coming in from tradings. Hvitserk is not allowing anybody who came back from a raiding party. The woman took Ivar by the arm as he questioned,

"What? What is it?"

"It's Yrsa, Ivar, she might be with a child!"

Ivar looked up and over to Hvitserk who smiled brightly at him. "I must get to her!" He said, he started to sprint despite his position. Hivtserk watched in amazement as it was the first time Ivar was running. He reached the Great Hall and to our bedroom to see me.

He came in and sat in the bed with me. "Is it true?" He said, tearfully.

"Yes!" I chuckled, his hand was placed upon my belly and he began to stroke it.

"I'm going to be a father." "I, Ivar the Boneless am going to be a father." Tears fell from his face as he leaned over and kissed me gently.

"I love you," he said.

Hvitserk came inside the bedroom and leaned against the post. I smiled at him,

"My dear Prince, you are going to be an uncle," I said, reaching out my hand towards him. Hvitserk came over and simply took my hand into his. Although I knew he wanted to kiss it.

"I will love this child as Uncle Rollo loved Ivar and I," Hivtserk promised.

"He'll learn everything from me, how to fish, hunt, and love a woman, I promise you two."

"She'll be the most beautiful girl in Kattegat," Ivar said, he smiled as the last of his tears came down his face.

"I have you to thank, Hvitserk." Ivar placed his hand on the back of Hvitserk. Hvitserk smiled, but I could tell he was bothered that Ivar claimed his child.

Hvitserk knew I noticed his distress. I placed my hand on his face, "Don't be distraught," I said in our language.

"Distraught?" He chuckled, "This is a happy day!" Hvitserk said.

"Brother! We'll celebrate!" Ivar and Hvitserk laugh as they embraced one another.

Author's Note: I don't know if ya'll love me or hate me now lmao hahaha I'm sorry if the song makes you feel emotional. I figure it's a universal song between, Ivar, Hvitserk, Yrsa, and the unborn child. Yes, it's from Futurama! 

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