Season 2 Episode Nine

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Season 2

Chapter nine

The following day, Ivar sat in his throne and went into deep thought. It was early in the morning and it was unlike us to be up before the rooster. Either way, I was happy my husband was home and everything was falling back into place. It was perfect for me. I took some flowers I've found in the back and brought them in to put on the table.

I turned to Ivar who was still in deep thought and then the flowers. "I've never seen a man think the way you do now," I said. I put the flowers down and began to trim them.

"I'm thinking of Headmund."


"Should we really Blood Eagle him?"

I swiftly turned to him and said, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I have a lot of respect for Bishop Heahmund, and I admire the man."

"He also broke your legs in two places, and starved you!" I said, wiping the table of the stems.

"I helped in the death of Lagertha and I admired her."

"I suppose you can still admire a person even in their death," Ivar said.

I was not pleased with Ivar's decision and as he looked to me to agree with him. I did not. Ivar may forgive him for what he has done. I can't help to think of the emotional and mental damage the Bishop has put Hvitserk and I through. Without looking at Ivar all I gave him is,


"What do you not agree with me?" Ivar said.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes to him, "I do not forgive that man, Ivar."

"And why not?" His voice became stern, I became very angry as I went over to him, "Do you not realize the heartbreak we felt not knowing where you were or where to look for you?" I shouted.

I walked up the stairs and said, "The man deserves to die, blood eagle is too good for him!"I walked back down the steps and towards the door while cursing in my language.

"Yrsa!" Ivar called for me. I took up Ivar's sword and my way to the hut Heamund was in.

Suddenly Hvitserk appeared taking away the sword as I swung at him. I growled as Hvitserk stopped me.

"No, it's me," Hvitserk said, pulling me close. I pushed him away as I backed away slowly. Ivar appeared around the corner, out of breath.

"Why do you not lower your eyes?" "I'm the Queen!" I shouted, walking past Hvitserk and back home.

Hvitserk turned to Ivar for an answer as Ivar shook his head. He turned back around and followed me home. I never forgave myself for treating Hvitserk that way and I was too prideful to apologize for my actions. I made a vow that my pride will never get in my way ever again.

Ivar agreed to Blood Eagle Heamund that night. Ivar would conduct the process as I stood with Hvitserk. Before we stepped out Ivar turned to me, adjusting my crown on my head.

"Are you sure you can do this?" He asked.


"Well, watching this might be difficult for you since it's your first time."

"Hvitserk will be right there, I'm sure I can stomach whatever maybe."

"Of course."

I've never seen this done before and I was anxious to see how it went. Once I saw Ivar cutting Headmund open from behind, still alive and separating his skin from his meat; I suddenly felt the need to gag.

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