Coming Out To The Bros

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Katsuki's PoV

I'm currently sitting in class, five minutes until brake starts. Usually I wouldn't care about brake time, but my boyfriend is in the nurses office. I can't wait any longer for brake to come, or I might go insane. Recovery Girl said he was going to be ok, but I just want to see him ok with my very own eyes. She could just be saying that, so I don't get worried.



As soon as that sound went in my hearing aids, I put all my stuff away. I finished putting everything away in my bag, and rushed out the door. I debated on waiting for Atsuko, but decided against it. I wanted to see Eijiro as soon as possible. I wanted to see him first. That might be a bit selfish, but I couldn't care less. He is my boyfriend, and I nearly had a heart attack over his health. He is going to get an earful from me when I see him.

I slammed the door open, and rush to the bed that we left him in. When I get there I see that he is talking to the nurse. I let out a breath of relief when I see that he is ok. I run over to his bed, and engulf him in a hug. He immediately hugs me back. His grip is really tight. I give him one last squeeze, before pulling away. I have a reputation after all.

When I do pull away, I see tears on the brim of falling down. I don't know why he's about to cry, but I wont leave until I find out and fix it. I cup his cheek with my hand, and give him a gentle smile. I don't care if someone else sees me like this anymore. He is upset, and I need to make sure that he becomes happy once again.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask him.

"The nurse said I wore the binder too long, and my ribs are bruised." He responds.

"So is it painful then?" I ask.

"It's not the pain, I can handle that." He said.

"Then why are you upset?" I question.

"She said I can't wear my binder until they have healed." He sobbed out.

His tears finally fell from his eyes, and down his tanned skin. I hated seeing him cry, but I could completely understand why he was though. If he can't hide his chest, then people are going to find out he is trans. He doesn't even get a say in this, as it could be bad for his health. He has to deal with the fact that everyone will know his secret.

I sit on the hospital bed, and pull him onto my lap. I push his head into the crook of my neck, and rubbed circles on his back. He let out short harsh breathes, and I could feel my blazer going wet. I couldn't care less about it though. This kind of reminds me of the time he saved me from being kidnapped. Oh how the turn tables. (I'm not sorry)

I hear the door open, and turn my head in that direction. When I do look up, I see the whole of our friend group. I turn back around, not to worried about them. I know they will accept Eijiro, and if they don't then they will have to deal with me. That applies to everyone. I don't care if you are a random citizen, or one of the top ten pro heroes. I will find you, and beat your arse.

I whisper sweet nothings into his ear, trying to calm the boy down. I'm not really good at these things, but I think it's working. I hope so, or I would just be failing another thing. At this point, I can't even count everything I failed to do on my fingers. I do so many things wrong, it wouldn't surprise me if I couldn't help him. He deserves someone so much better, but I don't want him to leave me.

I'm so selfish. I can't even give him the best. He should have someone who can comfort him when he is sad. Someone who doesn't judge everyone they meet by how they look. He deserves someone who doesn't cry from the smallest of inconveniences. Who doesn't bully someone who just wants to be their friend. Who isn't even strong enough to not get kidnaped by some amateur villains. I'm pathetic.

Tears start to form in my eyes, but I forbid them to fall. My problems are so minimal, I don't get to cry. I haven't got nearly enough problems that are bad enough to cry over. I'm being a cry baby. I need to grow a pair, and help my boyfriend. He is crying for a reason that is worth crying over, I'm just being weak.

I continue to comfort the boy in my arms. His crying subsides, and he is now only sniffling. I release him from my arms, and give him a soft smile. I point at the group of people at the door, and I could feel him stiffen in my lap. I take his hand, and intertwined his with mine. I give it a squeeze, and he seems to relax.

(K-Katsuki E-Eijiro M-Mina A-Atsuko D-Denki H-Hanta)

M-Hey Kiri, how are you doing? She asks.

A-You gave me and Baku quite the scare. She said light heartedly.

E- Yea I'm fine. Sorry I made you guys worry.

K-Don't apologise, you're fine. That's all that matters to us. I say.

D-I've been thinking.

K-That's dangerous.

D-Shut up! Anyway, at the 'sleepover' you called yourself a big sister, and Shima called you ma'am.

M-Kami! You can't ask someone that!

E-No it's fine Mina, they're going to find out anyway. I can't wear my binder for at least three weeks.


E-Yea. I'm transgender, and when I'm drunk my mind goes back to when I started drinking.

D-What age did you start drinking? He asked.

E-I believe I was seven.

H-You were only seven when you started drinking. That's so young.

E-In my defence I thought it was juice, and man did it taste good.

"I hate to brake this up, but classes are about to start again. Kirishima should also get more rest." Recovery Girl said.

We all sigh, and the four at the door leave. I hug Kirishima one last time, and give him a quick kiss on his forehead. He giggles at my actions, before giving me a peck on the cheek. I can feel my face heat up slightly, and hide it immediately. He starts to laugh at my reaction. I lightly smack his arm, and laugh a little myself. I wave goodbye, and say that I will be back at lunch. With that, I made my way back to class.


I want to thank all of my kittens, as we have over 1k votes on this story now. I'm so happy that everyone is enjoying this story. Please continue to read this, until the end. I hope that it covers all of you expectations. I myself am not trans or deaf, so I'm sorry if some of the things I put aren't correct. I love reading your comments, and appreciate it when you guys correct me. I can be so bad with consistency sometimes, but you guys are still here. If you ever want to chat with me, my Instagram is in my bio. Stay safe my kittens!


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