Tears + Fears

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“I'm on my way!” I declared, hanging up the phone. I grabbed one of Rocky's old sweaters from the back of my closet and walked out to the living room. “Kendall, I need to go.”

He paused his game. “What?” He turned to me. “Where do you need to go?”

“Rocky's in the hospital.” I explained, grabbing my purse.

“And why do you care?” He challenged, getting up from the couch. I could tell he was mad.

That made me mad. “Because I can!”

“Well, don't!” He screamed.

I got into his face. “You know what Kendall?! Go back to your little blond haired chicky.” I watched his face drop. “Yeah, I know about her!”

“It's not what you think!” He tried to explained.

I put up my hand. “Kendall, I really don't care. We're done!” I stoved him to the door. “Now get out of my apartment.”

He tried to talk, but I slammed the door on his face. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door.

My hand were shaking the whole way to the hospital. I tried to call Mark and Stormie, but neither of them were answering their phones.

By the time I got to the hospital, tears were falling down my face, and nobody was answering their cell phones! I grabbed my purse and ran into the lobby. “Rocky Lynch. Now!” I demanded from the nurse.

She looked at me with a sad smile. “Are you family?” I shook my head. “Than I can't let you in, sweetie.”

I slammed my hand onto the counter. “That's bull! You guys called me! So, you better let me into to see him now!” I was crying, but was more angry than anything. “Now!”

The nurse looked sad. She glanced down to left hand. “Oh, you two are engaged!” She winked.

I glanced down to my hand, than I remembered I was wearing I was wearing a small diamond ring on my ring finger. “Yes! We are, Now let me see him!”

She gave me his room number, and I sprinted down the hallway.

When I walked into the room, my heart started racing, my knees buckled, my eyes drowning in my tears. ”Oh, Rocky...”

I walked over to him. He was connected to a bunch of monitors, and he was barely breathing. I placed my hand over his, and I just broke down crying.

“Ready, Set, Rock!” My cell phone started to sing Riker's ring tone.

“Hello?” I answered with a sniffle.

“What do you want Avery? You have called everybody's phone, so it must be important.” He sighed.

“Rocky's in the hospital, intense care unit, and you guys need to get back here.” I explained.

“Wait, what happened?!” Riker questioned.

“I don't know, nobody's told me anything.” I started. “I just got a phone call and now I'm at the hospital.” I overheard Riker relay the message to his family.

“Okay, we're on our way back, but we're almost in Colorado, so it might be a little while.” He explained. I heard Stormie in the background. Let me talk to her!

“Avery, is he okay?! What have the doctors said?!” She sounded like she was going to cry.

“I don't know. They haven't told me. But I promise I'll call when I get any news.” I promised.

Forever & Always : A Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now