The Barbe Que

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By the time Avery got to the Lynch's house on Sunday afternoon, the party was in full swing. Music was pouring out of the speakers, people were chatting and laughing. “Oh. Come in!” A shorter blond lady exclaimed when Avery knocked on the door. “Oh, you must be Avery. I'm Stormie Lynch.” She spoke a mile a minute.

“It's so nice to meet you.” Avery replied with a simple smile.

“Are you hungry?” She started again, starting to lead Avery to the backyard. “Mr. Lynch had some burgers on the grill, and in the cooler are some drinks.”

Avery shook her head. “Thank you, but I don't eat meat.”

“Sunny. You made it!” Raini exclaimed when she saw her new friend. Avery said goodbye to Stormie, and made her way over to the group of people. “I love your outfit.” Raini said as she looked at the master piece. ( ). “Where did you get that necklace?”

Avery felt her hand go to the chain. “It was a gift. Um, I'm gonna grab something to drink really fast.” She said as she started to walk away. When she got to the cooler, Avery felt someone watching her. She turned around to find Rocky leaning against the garage door, looking directly at her. “Can I help you?” Avery ask sarcastically.

“Yeah. You wanna toss me a Coke?” He threw the sarcasm right back. He made his way over to the new girl. “i didn't think you would show.”

Avery placed her hand on her hip. “And why was that?”

Rocky shrugged. “I don't know. But I'm glad you did.” Avery bit her lip softly and dropped her head.

“Rocky! Come on! We're waiting for you!” Ross yelled from the pool.

“Hold on!” He yelled back, than returned his gaze to Avery. “Have you meet everybody yet?”

“I met your mom. But other than that, not really.” She answered.

“Okay. I'll introduce you.” He wrapped his hand around hers and led her to the center of the backyard. “Okay, that's my dad Mark.” He pointed to a tall man with an apron on. “That's my sister Rydel.” Hearing her name, a beautiful blond turned around and waved to Rocky and Avery. “Over by the snack table are my older brother Riker, the blond, and my best friend Ellington, the one with the brown hair.” Avery gave them a small wave when they turned around. “Okay, you see the kid with the camera?”

“Yeah.” Avery quickly responded.

“That's my little brother Ryland. And I kinda assume you know Ross.” Rocky said with a slightly sarcastic tone.

“You know, that assumption would be correct.” Avery said with a smile. “Is that everybody?” She questioned.

“Yeah. Pretty much. You know a couple of other friends.” Rocky explained.

“Okay I have to ask.”She started, using Rocky's exact words from before. “Why does everybody's name start with 'R'?”

Rocky let out a laugh. “It's a family thing.”

“Okay. Ladies and gentleman, if Rocky would so kindly come to the stage, we would like to get this show started.” Riker sarcastically said into the microphone.

“I should, you know, get going.” Rocky said. While he walked away, Avery made her way back to Raini and Laura.

“Where did you go?” Laura asked.

“I was talking to Rocky. He introduced me to everybody.” Avery explained while she finally opened her pop.

“Ladies and gentleman! R5!” Ryland spoke loudly into the microphone. The crowd went wild, including Laura and Raini, but Avery was confused.

“Who's R5?” She whispered to Raini.

“Their family band. They are really good!” She explained over the noises. Avery nodded. She looked up to the band. Her eyes found five amazingly talented musicians tearing it up.

The band played some songs that she didn't know, but they played one of her favorite songs, Call Me Maybe, and Avery found herself singing along with Rydel. When the set was over, Avery turned to the girls. “They were amazing!”

“I know right?!” Laura agreed.

“What did you think?” Ross asked when he and the others came walking up to the girls.

“I didn't know you were in a band. You guys were great.” Avery praised, the smile on her face was spread from one ear to the other.

“Thanks.” Riker replied. “And from what I heard, you aren't such a bad singer yourself.”

“Ah no. I don't sing.” Avery said defensively.

“Are you kidding me?” Raini exclaimed in disbelief. “I hear you singing all the time. You're really good.” Avery rolled her eyes.

“Now, I wanna hear her sing.” Rocky muttered to himself.

“We should go play rock band in the basement.” Ellington suggested.

“Yeah!” Rydel said with a beaming smile. The group went to the basement. Avery was amazed when she saw everything from a high tech monitor to all the instruments.

“Wow!” She said in awe.

“Pretty cool, huh?” Riker said from next to her.

“Cool is an understatement.” Avery sat down and picked up one of Rocky's guitars, than started to play one of her favorite songs.

“How long have you been playing?” Rocky questioned as he sat down next to her.

“Actually, I stopped playing a long time ago.” She stated while continuing to strum quietly. Avery started into another song, a Spanish lullaby her mother taught her many years ago. She got lost in the music and when the song was over, Avery looked up to see everybody starting in awe at her.

“What was that?” Laura exclaimed, breaking the silence.

“What?” Avery questioned while putting the guitar back where she found it. “It was nothing.” She looked at the group. “So are we gonna play or not?” She smirked. The group took turns playing their favorite songs on the game.

Hours later Avery looked at her watch. “Oh, Crap. I have to go.” She quickly said goodbye to everybody and made her way to the door, where she was stopped by Rocky.

“Thanks for coming.” His voice was so smooth. Avery smiled.

“I had fun.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you.” Her voice was sweet and gentle.

“For what?” Rocky asked, confused.

Avery dropped her hug and shrugged. “I'm still figuring that out. I just have a feeling you and me are gonna be good friends.”

Rocky smiled. “ I think I feel the same way.”

Forever & Always : A Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now