Chapter 52

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I grabbed a cup of coffee, settled at my desk, and powered my computer on with a sigh. Working was the last thing I wanted to do after the sleepless night and the talk with the rector.

In a short while, footsteps broke the quiet of our empty office.

"Working early, junior?" asked Darren, entering the room, followed by Ollie. Both guys looked content — not even a trace of yesterday's argument on their faces. I guessed that was what friendship was about— you fucked up, made up, and moved on.

"I had to take care of some business early in the morning." I yawned into my fist and rubbed my eyes that were already strained from the light of the monitor.

"If by business you mean bumping uglies with your girl, it's no wonder you're drained." Dar chuckled.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Ollie shook his head.

Darren opened his mouth to reply, but Victor exited the elevator then.

"Good morning, gentlemen. No fighting today?"

"No, boss." Dar and Ollie said in unison. "We're back to our usual dynamics."

I laughed and covered my face with my palms to conceal another yawn. Coffee didn't seem to do the trick anymore.

"Junior, what the hell is on your finger?" Darren narrowed his eyes, looking at my hand.

"Fuck." Ollie grinned. "Are you engaged?"

Victor winked at me before going into his office.

"Yeah, I am," I said with a smile. "I've been since October, but we haven't told everyone yet."

"Wow, another member of the whipped club." Darren let out a sigh before yelling, "Liam, tell me you're not one of them!"

My friend approached us, unbuttoning his coat. "It's fucking freezing outside. Hey guys, and what do you mean, Dar?"

"Your buddy's engaged."

"Yeah, he is."

Then, Liam noticed the ring. "That's new."

"Ellie gave it to me some days ago."

A genuine smile lit up Liam's face. "Really? That's awesome."

"It is. Thanks."

We stopped chatting and got to work. In an hour, Darren broke the silence.

"I've just realized something."

Ollie glanced at him. "Realized what?"

"We've never been out together. I mean, all of us. It's all work, problems, deadlines. Maybe what we need is to relax and get to know each other better out of the office. Besides, you and Aiden are both engaged. That's a valid reason for a celebration."

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