#8 Heroes Within Us

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Title : Heroes Within Us

Author : Fascinator

Summary : Max is the most popular 14-year-old around wherever he goes. By popular I mean, the most popular wimp, maybe it's because of his not at all funny and lame jokes or maybe it's because he can be a klutz sometimes.

Saying that he isn't thin, would be the biggest understatement of all times. With his parents wanting to spend 'together times' and his elder sister trying to spoil things for him. Will he ever climb out of shell and become popular? After going to ninth grade, some things happen in his life, exciting things which might make him a hero or might make him remain a wimp forever, it wouldn't pain to try, right? He and another girl come together and work for a secret society, to find out things, many things. Maybe, it will be his time to become cool, Maybe this will be his big break.

Genre : TeenFiction

Link : http://www.wattpad.com/story/26762544-heroes-within-us


Interview with Fascinator

1> As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

1. A detective

2> What is your most and least favorite part of the writing process?

2. My favourite part is creating my own world and least is writer's block.

3> What inspired you to write?

3. no one... I got inspired in a different way.

4> Describe your writing style in ten words or less.

4. I usually write in 1st person narrative and good grammar without the use of big words so it is easily understood.

5> How long does it take you to write a book?

5. Maybe 6 to 7 months

6> How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

6. Many... I don't know but my favourite is heroes within us because it is about teenager's life and his problems

7> Your favorite character from your book and why?

7. Roy cause he is funny

8> Your least favorite character from your book and why?

8. Anna as she is very boring.

9> How you deal with writer’s block?

9. Watching movies at the theatre always helps me.

10> How do you keep your plots unpredictable without sacrificing believability?

10. By writing something that I have wanted to happen in my life... I have lots of fantasies... So yeah..

11> Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

11. In real life... I love Jeff Kinney as he writes in a way readers enjoy and on wattpad I like SugarCubes4 as she is a good writer... She's not mean and believes in god.

12> Your message to readers.

12. Hello guys...You guys Amaze me. I love you all. Stay the wierd people you are...

Thanks for Reading. :)

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