Dinner with Wattpad Class of 2014

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Interview with JessicaBFry

1) How you came across wattpad?

> I discovered Wattpad through a recommended link when I was on Writing.com looking for some different writing platform ideas. Ironically, it was actually a critique of Wattpad, but it still made me curious. So I checked it out, liked what I saw, and decided to take the plunge. It was a marvelous decision.

2) How many friends you have here and who are you most close with?

> Hmmm, that's a bit of a tough one. I probably have about a dozen or so close friends on here, and then there's a few dozen other folks whose works I enjoy and who I have a great time chatting with. I enjoy keeping up with them and meeting new folks whenever I can.

3) This idea of having 'A Dinner with Wattpad Class 2014' is unique. They do have book clubs for same purpose. What made you plan this?

> Well, one of the groups that I am part of is called the Wattpad Class of 2014, and we wanted to celebrate surpassing one million reads collectively. At the same time, I had been putting together some recipes because, one of the things I love most is making themed dinner parties with meals based around books or movies. So I had been working on different ideas for my friends' books. I wanted it to stand out from the other interview books. So I chose to shift from the traditional interview format into something more akin to a late night interview sequence.

4) How did it went? Who participated and what books you read?

> It went wonderfully. All of the members of the Wattpad Class of 2014 were involved. I gathered questions from their readers, got the authors' responses, and then I worked them together into an interview scene. This way it was more like a story. And I got to incorporate body language, tone, and atmosphere to hopefully show more about the author and his or her book.

5) Which book did you all enjoyed reading the most? How long did it take to complete the process?

> Oh, we couldn't choose a favorite. I know I certainly couldn't. Each book had its own flair and magic that I love. (I've already got a bookshelf set aside for all these books when they're published. Incidentally, @SarahbensonBooks Born of Shadow has been published, and @MoonZephyr Anni Moon will be published very soon! Top notch fantasies well worth adding to your library, I must say.)

As for what I loved, @SarahBensonBooks Born of Shadow has this wonderful fusion of action adventure, mysticism, and Egypt. @MoonZephyr Anni Moon has this whimsical charm, magic, and adorable troop of characters and friends. @linna1029 Shadow's Edge has magic, feisty talking cats, destiny, and being true to oneself. @FarahOomerbhoy Aurora Firedrake has a charming spunky heroine who is drawn into the intrigues of medieval Arthurian magic and suspense. @_Ahna_ The Fates has drama, romance, intrigue, ancient Greek mythology, and historical suspense from a span of thousands of years. @TEJJohnson Cataindar has magic, man sized talking warrior animals, and high octane fight scenes. @JayVictor SlaveDays has this classic Gothic styled suspense novel that is so rich in atmosphere and characters. They're all fantasies, but each one has its own unique story.

6) What does the participants has to say about it? (It would be good if you can get their review for this answer)

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