Reviews on Wattpad New Profile

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Changes doesn't have to be always bad. Some changes are good too. But, Good or Bad We do have to adapt to the changes, if it's not within our power to change it back.

The Wattpad New Look is giving most of us the same feeling. The overall effect is good and stylish but if we look for little things, we feel like we are missing out on a lot.

Personally, I'm on a sea-saw where liking it is concerned. I like few things and then I miss few old things. I liked the Old About Me section and Dedication Section. The New Look, Maybe is look alike of Google/Many other Blogs but that's okay, This look is trendy so no one really cares if it is a copy. But, It's mostly those missing elements of the old profile that gives this one an empty feeling. I liked what they did with Following/Followers though, even the published works section is cool.

I did a Random Suvery to know the reaction of Wattpaders:


I'm going to be honest here: I'm not a fan. Like, it looks like Google + and Facebook had an affair and Wattpad was the unlucky product.

Unlucky, you ask? (So no one asked that because, oh yeah, everyone hates it.)

Yes, unlucky. It looks messy; all of the sections blend into each other. Some parts aren't labeled; some are. Yet when they are labeled, it's in gray - the same color the text is. (Boring.) (Confusing.) (Irritating.) (That basically sums up my thoughts on the matter.)

The header is unashamedly copying off of Google + (oh yeah, you think no one caught that? wrONG) and it totally revamped a site that had no (major) issues as far as profiles go.

Okay, so it wasn't completely bad. I mean, sure, the way it promotes only one work sucks, and the reading lists are all smushed up in the side, but it isn't without its redeeming factors. (Kind of.)

Like, some parts are pretty. Where it shows what you voted/commented on it has the quote of what you commented on, and it actually has aesthetic appeal, which shocked the hell (heck for you younger readers) out of me. And it's okay that when you click on the "followers" or "following" of a user, you can see information about them. I don't love it, but it could be helpful at times.

Overall, it should go away and never come back.

But if it stayed I wouldn't attempt to beat it up or anything (I'd like to think it's a combination of common sense and anger management).

Mehrung Albaloshi: New profile is kinda good.


My assumption is that it won't stop with just the new profiles, which I want to like, but for some reason am not adjusting to them like I should be. Hence why I've clicked the, wait to change button, when offered the new profile option. I've grown to love Wattpad for what it is, and the idea of change does send some discomfort. I love the way things are now, but I do think that they're changing things for the best obviously. I'm still just unsure on my opinion on it all. But as for my opinion strictly on the profiles, I'm not a fan but maybe they'll grow me.

Few More Reviews Might Be Added Later As Few People Couldn't Submit on Time.

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