Interview with Owain Glynn - Wattpad Ambassador/Poet/Judge

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Owain Glyn - One of the few Most Motivating, Helpful and Inspiring Person I came across at Wattpad.

My Favorite from his works are: Windswept and Moonswept

It was a really nice gesture of him to help with judging the compilations for the contest. Thank you, Once Again. :)


1) 'Owain Gyln' - Who is he?

> My given name is Glyndwr Owain, after a famous Welsh prince.Owain Glyn is a retired businessman living deep in the wilds of West Cornwall. he loves language, and reads voluminous amounts. he sees himself as empathetic to the world, yey cynical about human motives. he loves to write about all aspects of the human condition, from politics, to romance, from humour to the darker sides of life. he has a desperation to connect with the world.

2) Why is poetry important to you? What prompted you to begin writing poetry?

> I began writing, and reading poetry at University, but stopped for many years while I worked and raised a family. I love the freedom poetry gives me to express emotions, and tell stories, without the normal boundaries of prose.

3) How does a poem begin for you, with an idea , a form or an image?

> Normally, something I see, or hear, will stimulate a thought, which I then think on before developing it into something that I find meaningful.

4) I have been reading your poems, you know. I loved each one of them I read so far But one title had caught my eye 'The World according to Owain'. How do you see the world? What is this collection all about?

I am an inveterate observer, I view all aspects of the world. I am a cynic when I comes to politics, I hate the greed and inequality of the world, yet I can find humour, and compassion, everywhere I look. I love humanity, while being intensely sad at the way it behaves.

5) What pattern you usually follow while writing a poetry?

> I always start with a handwritten draught, which I will put away for a few days. When I revisit it, if it still makes sense, I will start to build a structure, I will again leave it for a while, then I will make a final edit. Only then will I consider posting.

6) On the average, how long does it usually take you to create a poem from thought to completion?

> It can vary, depending on the theme, but usually, between three and seven days.

7) What does “being creative” mean to you?

> Being creative means the freedom to express myself, in whatever form I choose.

8) Who are your favorite poets and why?

I am a wide reader of poetry, but I guess Dante Alighieri is probably my favourite, he dissects life, and death, but still manages to lead us toward the light.

9) I adore 'Moonswept and Windswept'. What made you chose these titles. What were you trying to achieve with these collections?

> I chose those titles because they seemed almost above reality, which, to me, is where love resides. With 'windswept' I am trying to view love, in all of its forms, from a first person perspective. With 'moonswept' I am trying to examine love from a more ethereal perspective.

10) You have a vast collection of great poems to your credit. Which one is closest to you and why?

> It is difficult to choose a particular collection, as they are all like children, and one should never have favourites, but I just love writing work for children, so I guess I would have to choose Whumplethump.

11) Have you ever published your poetry or considered publishing it?

> I would love to publish some of my work, but poetry is not considered very commercial, so finding an agent is very difficult, so if any of your readers know someone..........

12) Your message to your readers.

> I am eternally grateful to each and every reader for taking the time to read my work, I love reading some of the comments. To aspiring writers I would say this; No one ever starts out as an expert, even if you have natural talent, practice is what turns you into a good writer. So, write every day, even if it is a few lines.

Lightining round. Pick one from each and state why.

a) Dante Alighieri or Edgar Alan Poe

> Dante, because he touches deep into my soul.

b) Shakespeare as an author or Shakespeare as a poet?

> Shakespeare as a poet, because he is a virtuoso in making language work for him.

c) Night or Day

> Night, because the peace allows me to think.

d) Thoughts or Dreams

> Thoughts, because I have some control over them.

e) Windswept or Moonswept

Windswept, but only because it was the first.

f) Sheep or Squirrel

> Sheep, without doubt, whoever heard of a nursery rhyme about squirrels!

Thank you to @OwainGlynn for the Interview.

Thank you all for Reading. Do check out his poems. They are all fabulous. :))


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