Awaiting my imminent death

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To the tune of Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid



Crippling depression

There is no question, you should kill me

Let me be with harambe

I feel like shit every day


Damien POV
I can't explain how horrible today has been. Well, this morning was fine but this afternoon has been absolutely horrible.

First, Dad gets out of prison because of how rich he is. Then I have to explain everything I've lied about to my boyfriends, my best friend, and Roman.  And on top of that, I'm still horribly hungover with a bad migraine.

I still don't know what Roman and I are.

Also, I can't even begin to describe how relieved I am that Remus, Evan and Quinn don't hate me.  I don't what I would've done if they hated me for it or left me for it. 

I was silent, holding my face in my hands. Quinn was gently running his cold hands through my hair. Trying his best to comfort me.

Remus has my phone and was arguing with Evan over what to do. Remus thinks we should go and fight back against him. Evan thinks that since I'm a legal adult, I should just ignore him. I can move out of my house but an apartment.

Easier said than done. I don't have the money to buy my own house let alone an apartment. And there's no way Dad would let me go home and get all my things.

"Bring a knife than!" Remus yelled. "He can't do shit to Damien anymore!"

"We shouldn't even go at all," Evan tried to argue. "Nothing good will come for this."

"Than we all go so that he can't do anything," Remus said again.

I didn't want to listen to them argue. I sat up and pulled Quinn into my lap. I buried my face in his neck trying not to cry.

The last thing I want is to see Dad. Yet there's some weird gut reason drawing me back home. I haven't seen him in three years. 

"I'm going,"  I said, making up my mind. 

All there of them snapped their heads to look at me in surprise.  Evan looked the most surprised.  Remus has an angry and murderous look in his eyes.  Quinn looked panicky with a look in his eyes that said he knew this isn't going to end well.

I stood up, passing Quinn to Remus.  I'm determined.  I want to hear him try to explain himself again.  Besides, if I bring Remus, Evan and Quinn, he can't hurt me.


"You're not going,"  Evan said sternly. 

"I need to,"  I told him. 

"For what reason?"  Quinn asked.  "You know he's going to try to hurt you.  We all know that.  Please don't go." 

"This is something I need to do,"  I repeated.  "I need to know why.  I need to know how he's here.  And how he found us all the way up here."

"We're coming with you,"  Remus said. 

"I know and I'm not going to stop you,"  I sighed.  "I just don't want him hurting you."

"He won't,"  Remus growled lowly.  He pulled out a pocket knife and flipped it open.  The murderous and angry look back in his eyes. 

"Put that away,"  Evan chastised.  "There is no reason you should have a knife."

But Now We're Stressed Out Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora