You will be found

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TRIGGER WARNING : talks about cutting, talks about mental/verbal abuse, suicidal thoughts, swearing

Remy POV
In about ten minutes, I pulled into Emile's driveway. I hope he's okay with the motorcycle.

I headed up to the front door and knocked. A few seconds later, a man opened the door. He had pale brown eyes like Emile's, but with dark brown hair. He had glasses too.

This must be Emile's Dad. Great... I've never met this guy before.

"Um, hey, is Emile here?" I asked, silently begging Emile to show up.

"I'm Mr. Picani," The man said. "I'm guessing you're Remy? Emile's boyfriend?"

"Uh, yeah, that's me," I said with an uncomfortable laugh. Mr. Picani looked me up and down.

"Dad stop!" Came Emile's voice, and then he came running down the hall. "You're gonna scare him off or embarrass me or something!"

"Sorry Emile," Mr. Picani said with a smile and soft laugh. "I'll leave your boyfriend alone," He teased Emile kindly. A stab of pain went through my heart upon seeing how Emile and his dad got alone.

I don't even know who my dad is. And Mom isn't much of a mom anyways.

Emile pushed himself past his dad and stood next to me. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Emile better by back by, at latest, midnight," Mr. Picani told me.

"Don't worry," I told him. "I'll take good care of Emile."

"Okay, that's enough of that!" Emile said giggling, waving bye to his dad and than pushing me away from the front door. "Byeeeee!"

I laughed at his behavior. He's too precious.

"That excited to be alone with me?" I teased, causing him to flush bright red. Messing with Emile is so much fun.

"Oh stop it," He grumbled.

"You love me," I teased back.

"I think that was the first time I've seen you act so...formal and actually flustered." Emile said with a laugh.

"Well, I don't need ya Dad on my back about how I'm treating you," I answered, leading him down to my motorcycle. "And he's scary," I mumbled, causing Emile to laugh.

"A motorcycle?" Emile asked, looking uncertainly at it.

"What's wrong with it?"  I asked. 

"They're dangerous."

"Only if you don't know how to ride one properly,"  I told him.  "Don't worry, I can drive one babes." 

I helped Emile into the motorcycle and then climbed on myself.  Emile wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. 

"Don't you have a helmet or something?"  He muttered.

"Nope,"  I said, popping the 'p'.  "Sorry."

Emile sighed and I could feel him shaking his head. 

"Hold on,"  I told him as I kicked up the kickstand and started driving.  Emile tightened his grip on me as we drove. 

It took a while, roughly twenty five minutes, but eventually we reached where I wanted to go. 

The town was surrounded by a forest.  About a half mile into that forest, was a large cliff overlooking the river.  I liked to hide up there whenever things got too bad at home.

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