Things we lost in the fire

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I'm so so so sorry for my like week long hiatus

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I'm so so so sorry for my like week long hiatus

But it was tech week and shit so I was way to exhausted to write and edit every night



Anyways...back to regular updates

I'm sorry to have left it one such a crazy cliffhanger


TRIGGER WARNINGS : #jacksonthejackass, fire, angry Evan,

Logan POV
We're trapped.

I watched in complete horror as flames started changing towards us.  We ended up cornered in the back of the house.

Talk flames started leaping towards the ceiling and towards us.  There was so much smoke and it was so hot.

People were screaming and panicking.  I couldn't keep track of everyone.  I just held Patton tightly to me and tried to think of a way out.

Remy was desperately trying to break down one of the boards in the window, Damien and Roman moving to help him.  But the process was slow and the woods refused to give.

The flames came closer.  I clutched Patton to me tighter.  I could here Virgil wheezing behind me from a very bad panic attack.  Quinn looked ready to have an episode too.

"There's no way out!"  Remy yelled, coughing from the smoke.

"Jackson made sure this place was locked up so we couldn't get out,"  Damien added, now holding his shirt above his nose. 

We all followed what Damien was doing, trying not to breathe in too much smoke.  Patton was coughing and shaking badly in my arms.  Already tired from blood loss, smoke inhalation wasn't helping.

The flames crept ben closer.  A few small sparks flew out towards us, singing our clothes.  Then the tell tale groaning off the roof above us. 

"We're going to die,"  Virgil chocked out, looking at the ceiling in horror.  Roman instantly went to his side and tried to calm him.

"Can we get to the door?"  Emile asked, crying and holding tightly to Remy. 

I looked towards the door.  We couldn't get around the flames.  They were too big now.  The house groaned again and I heard what sounded like splintering wood. 

Roman than grabbed one of Virgil's crutches and started attacking the boarded up window with it.  But the wood wouldn't give. 

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