And they were roommates

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Jackass is a good nickname for Jackson bc it kinda sounds like his name


TRIGGER WARNINGS : panic attacks

Virgil POV
"And now he won't fucking press charges,"  I ranted to Roman. 

I angrily hobbled back and forth along the wall, leaning heavily on my crutches.  I let out an annoyed huff.

"I wonder why,"  Roman wondered aloud. 

"I don't know, he stopped talking again,"  I told him.  "Dr. Cuthbert said that the trauma from what happened to him has made him selectively mute."

"Doesn't explain why he wouldn't want Jackson to revive some sort of punishment,"  Roman said.

I just shrugged, going back to my hobbling around.  My actual doctor says that if I want to get my leg to work properly, I have to get the muscles working again. 

This sucks.  There's not other way to explain it besides it sucks.  My leg hurts so bad but I apparently if I rest my leg, the muscle will deteriorate and then there'll be no chance for me to walk again.

It has been two weeks now since my accident but I'd rather just stay in the hospital bed.  But I'm getting released at the end of this week.  Then I have to start therapy and physical therapy.

"I fucking hate this,"  I grumbled.  "I can barely fucking walk.  Quinn won't let Jackson get what's coming for him for some fucking reason.  And now I have to go back to my old house and live there until the fucking court case."

Roman grabbed me by the waist and sat me down in his lap.  He gently rubbed my back.

"You're going to be able to walk again, it's just gonna take some time,"  He started.  "I don't know why Quinn won't press charges, but maybe Damien and Evan will convince him.  And the court case is a good thing.  You're fathers going away and since you're 18, you'll be a free adult.  You'll be able to sell your old house and buy an apartment or something."

"But I don't know how to do shit like that,"  I said, my anxiety spiking.  "I have no money.  I don't want to be an adult yet.  It's so much pressure.  I'm still just a high school senior.  I shouldn't be going through this already."

I was hyperventilating now.  I curled up into myself a bit and felt tears in my eyes. 

"Hey, it's going to be okay,"  Roman told me.  "Okay so you don't have to move out.  You can try to fix up your house a bit.  Maybe you and Quinn can live together since he's pretty much in the same boat as you."

I couldn't calm down.  My mind was going a million thoughts per second.  What if, what if, what if, what if.

"Virgil,"  Roman said sternly.  "Take deep breathes, in for four, hold for seven, exhale for eight."

I mimicked Roman's breathing.  I leaned my head against his chest so that I could hear the steady thrum of his heartbreak. 

"Sorry,"  I mumbled.

"Never apologize for having a panic attack,"  Roman told me.  "You can't control that and it's not something you have to be ashamed of around me."

"I know, sorry,"  I said.

"Now c'mon,"  Roman said, standing back up.  "Just five more minutes of walking around and than we can go back to your room.  And the faster your leg gets better, the faster you can go home."

"Yeah but than I have to go back to school once break ends,"  I complained with a little laugh.

"But when schools starts, the musical starts too,"  Roman said with wide eyes.  "We're doing Aida this year!  Tryouts are next week and I can't wait!"

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