Setting fire to our insides for fun

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Okay...quick little grammar lesson because a lot of you guys were freaking out in the last chapter

Gotten is not a word

A lot of people say it, but it's not grammatically correct

"Gotten" most people believe is the past particle of "got" but it's really not no matter what google might say (I learned this in my honors English class)

The correct past participle of "got" is :
Have got
Have received

So in correct grammar terms, Patton should have said "I shouldn't have got so upset"

Gotten is not a word and literally everyone  is using it incorrectly

And I've made the same mistake, you can look through earlier chapters, on that note, because it's happening again, STOP FREAKING POINTING OUT MY GRAMMAR/SPELLING ERRORS, I am begging you


TRIGGER WARNINGS : drugs, alcohol, talks about abusive relationship, attempted suicide, aNgSt, #issactheidiot, cutting, blood, seizures, PTSD stuff

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TRIGGER WARNINGS : drugs, alcohol, talks about abusive relationship, attempted suicide, aNgSt, #issactheidiot, cutting, blood, seizures, PTSD stuff

Damien POV
"What the fuck do you mean?!"  I screamed at Roman. 

"Remus is gone!"  Roman yelled back.  "All I have is this note."

I snatched the note from Roman's hand.  Evan and Quinn peered over my shoulder to read the note with me.

Dear whoever
I'm a fuck up.  There's no question or doubt about it.  I'm an idiot that's done bad things as doesn't deserve to live.  Issac showed up earlier and reminded me about a lot of things.  And it made me realize that I don't deserve to be happy.  I don't deserve to be with Damien, Evan and Quinn.  I don't deserve my family.  I don't deserve happiness anymore.
I'm sorry for this but it had to happen.  I'm done bothering and scaring everyone.  I'm done ruining people's lives and hurting them.
Damien, Evan and Quinn I'm so sorry I fucked up your relationship.  I ruined your happiness and destroyed your relationship.  I didn't mean to, I'm sorry.
Quinn, I hurt you.  Badly.  I scared you and tried to force you with me when you obviously weren't comfortable.  I'm a total asshole for doing so and I'm sorry.  I know it's my fault you hurt yourself and I know I'm never going to forgive myself for being the reason you did those things to yourself.  But don't blame yourself for this because I have a lot of pent up problems and I'm just done and tired.  I did care a lot about you, I guess I showed it the wrong way.
Damien, thanks for being there and talking my out of relapsing multiple times.  You're a good person.  Take care of Evan and Quinn for me. 
Evan, forget me.  You made a mistake by being my friend and then wanting to date me.  You're perfect and nice and you don't need someone like me.  I don't deserve someone like you.  Be happy with Quinn and Damien. 
Roman, you were a good brother.  I'll miss you and I'm sorry for being a total dick to you when we were younger
Mom and Dad, I'm sorry.  I'm sorry for not being the son you wanted.  I'm sorry for being such an embarrassment.  I hurt you two when I dropped out and ran away with Issac.  It was wrong of me and it's my own fault.  I'm sorry I was such a disappointment.  You two deserve a better son, like Roman.
Issac, I'll see you in hell bitch
To everyone else, I hope you all stay happy and get out of this fucked up town.  Don't do drugs or alcohol.  Don't drop out.  Don't date assholes.  Don't make my mistakes.
Love, Remus

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