Room B340

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TRIGGER WARNING : mention of attempted suicide

Virgil POV
"Are you sure you're ready for this?"  Damien asked me gently. 

"Yeah,"  I mumbled.  "It was going to happen at some point.  Better now then from Jackson."

"I can't believe that douche wrote Roman that note,"  Damien growled, clearly furious.  He was extremely pissed off when I told him about the note. 

"We already invites everyone, it's time to come clean,"  I said, more so trying to convince myself.

"We can always cancel last minute,"  He told me gently.  "Going back there is going to be a big deal."

"But it's something we have to do,"  I said.  "It's better this way."

"I'm just glad Roman took it well,"  Damien said.  "It would've been a shame to ruin that pretty face of his."

"Would you really fight Roman if he broke up with me for telling him about New Dawn?"  I asked with a laugh. 

"Absolutely,"  Damien laughed.  "No one hurts the emo marshmallow."

"Oh my god, why the nicknames?"  I complained.

"It's funny,"  He snickered. 

We fell into a comfortable silence.  It was early Saturday morning.  Waiting at the edge of the woods in the middle of nowhere.  We were way outside of town.  Tall pine trees surrounded us on either side of the small road.  Grey clouds hung in the sky.  It had dropped into the 20s, Fahrenheit, today.

Finally, a motorcycle came over the hill.  It was Remy and Emile, followed shortly by Logan and Patton in Logan's care.

"Sup babes,"  Remy laughed, hoping off his motorcycle.

"Hey!"  Emile said cheerfully.  Damien waved to them but otherwise we didn't say anything.

"Whats the thing you wanted to talk to us about and why all the way out here?"  Patton asked, excited obviously.

"We have to wait for everyone else,"  Damien told him. 

Roman's car finally drove over the hill.  He came to a screeching halt, making me flinch.

"The Prince has arrived!"  He yelled, hoping out of his car. 

Roman walked over to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.  There was a bit of concern in his eyes. 

"Are you sure you're ready to tell everyone?"  He asked quietly.  I nodded in response, leaning into his warm touch.

Eventually, roughly five minutes later, another care showed up.  It was Quinn and Evan.  Evan said hi, but otherwise the two kept to themselves.

"Okay everyone's here,"  Patton said.  "So What is it?  I wanna know cause I've been wondering since yesterday."

"It's about our past,"  Damien said, motioning to me.  "Why things kinda went haywire when Patton introduced me."

"Oh,"  Patton said.  "Well what happened?"

"We're going to show you,"  I told him.  "It's a long, personal, story.  But we need to tell you now in case a certain asshole we all hate decides to out it." 

"Jackson sent me a threat,"  Roman said.  "Basically he'd tell everyone everything if I didn't break up with Virgil."

"Damn,"  Remy breathed.

"How was Jackson able to acquire this information,"  Logan asked. 

"No one knows,"  Damien said.  "But it's...bad, so we want to tell you now before he does anything."

"Well thank you for trusting us then,"  Emile said in a comforting manner. 

"Virgil already told Roman and I've talked briefly with Quinn and Evan about this,"  Damien said. 

"So follow us,"  I mumbled, turning and heading into the woods.  Damien kept pace with me, everyone following behind.

We walked for a good ten minutes into the woods.  Way out of civilization.  The cold seemed to worsen the farther in we went. 

My breath hitched as I caught sight of the dreaded roof of New Dawn.  We stepped out of the brush and into the now overgrown lawn of the hospital.

The building was obviously abandoned.  Lots of smashed windows.  Graffiti on the outsides, along with vines and plants.  The left side of the building seemed to be caving in on itself.

Together, Damien and I walked up the all too familiar path to the front door.  The truth was out now because the sign couldn't be hidden.

New Dawn Mental Hospital.

Damien pushed open the now broken door, allowing everyone inside.  It was dark in here.  The main hall was a mess.

"I never thought we'd be back here,"  Damien said to me.

"Neither did I,"  I laughed.  "If only Hargreaves could see this place now."

"He'd have an conniption fit,"  He snickered in agreement. 

We lead the way down a hallway to the right.  Avoiding the elevator, we headed up the stairs to the third floor. 

Damien led the way down the hallway, shoving pieces of broken furniture out of the way.  Eventually we reached our old room.  I paused in the threshold, reading the small sign next to the door.

Room B340
Damien Fey
Virgil Pierce

They haven't even bothered to take down all the tags and remove the furniture.  They definitely left in a hurry.  Probably not too long after I got released. 

I glanced around the room, nostalgia filling me.  The chairs by the window.  The two beds across from each other.  The room had been trashed but it still had most of its furniture.

  Damien and I sat down on the old bed that used to be mine.  Roman looked sadly around the room, Quinn and Evan slightly mimicking him.

"What is this place?"  Remy asked.

"New Dawn,"  I huffed. 

"A fucking asylum?"  Remy added, clearly distressed. 

"It sure felt like one at some points,"  I mumbled. 

"So you two were patients here?"  Logan asked.

"Yeah,"  I forced out. 

"Why?"  Emile asked, a comforting concern in his eyes. 

"I'm bipolar and I used to be a really bad compulsive liar,"  Damien answered.  "Rich parents willing to pay any money to fix me."

"I tried to kill myself,"  I mumbled.  It felt as if a weight had been taken off my chest. 

Little gasps of shock filled the room.  Patton looked close to tears.

"Why?"  Quinn asked.

"It's a long story,"  Damien said. 

And so began almost an hour of explaining what happened one summer almost three years ago.

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