There needs to be an instruction manuel about life

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For those of you asking, my tik tok profile pic is the black and white rose on my profile pic here

I wanna die

*deep breath* LOGAN *another deep breath* ANNNNNNGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSTTTTTTTT

TRIGGER WARNINGS : a lot of blatant homophobia, gay reformatory, forced "hospitalization", religious talk

Logan POV
I stared at the prom promotional poster in my hand.  Glaring at it as if that would make me understand it. 

Senior Prom!
Two weeks from now!
Get your tickets at the office!

Prom has never been something I was concerned with before.  Homecoming wasn't a problem either.  I never went because I never had a reason to go.

Besides, mother and father don't approve of school dances like this.  They believe that they're a waste of time and just an excuse for students to wear revealing clothes and throw after parties to get drunk and high.

Which is true to some extent. But I have a boyfriend now. One that appreciated traditional sentimental events like senior prom.

I know that Patton wants to go. I've overheard him and Emile talking excitedly about it, especially since Emile won't have the bandages on his face by than. But I've never had to worry about prom, which in turn has caused me to start panicking about it.

This panicking is incredibly illogical. Yet I've become a literal mess. My hair is askew, my clothes not any better. I had long since changed into pajamas even though it wasn't even dark outside.

Senior Prom seems to be a big deal. And something that Patton has been looking forwards to.

The internet has not been much help. Only worrying me further. The most I could find was eccentric and ridiculous ways to ask someone to prom.

Am I supposed to buy him a corsage? But he's not a girl. Will Patton want one anyways? How am I supposed to ask him?

It's all very overwhelming. I ran a hand through my messy hair yet again. Then I laid my head down on my desk.

Eventually, I forced myself back up. I reached for my phone and called Remy. I held my phone up to my ear and waited.

After a few long excruciating seconds, an obviously annoyed Remy answers the phone.

"What do you want?" He answered. "Can't o hang out with my boyfriend without being interrupted.

"You and Emile live together," I sighed. "I can't possibly be interrupting something that important, and even if I am, you have plenty of time to make for it."

"Just how do you know it's not important?" Remy asked.

"Again, you two live together," I repeated.

"What if I'm balls deep in Emile right now?" Remy asked in a challenging tone.

I pulled the phone from my ear. Even from the distance I could hear Emile shriek in shock and start yelling at Remy. He just laughed in response.

Sighing, I put the phone back to my ear. I heard someone grab the phone from Remy's hand and then Emile answered the phone.

"What's going on?" Emile asked.

"First, assure me that you two are not having intercourses right now," I told him.

"We're not," He sighed, Remy laughing in the distance. "Remy is just inappropriate sometimes."

"I just want everyone to know that this cute, sexyc future therapist is mine," Remy teased.

Emile yelled at Remy again for being inappropriate. I sighed and had to hold back gagging at them. I understand that they're happy together and that's the relationship they like, but it's...a lot.

I know for a fact that I'm demisexual. I'm not opposed to having intercourse when I'm older. And while I romantically fell for Patton quickly, I still haven't developed a sexual interest in him. He's too pure to imagine in that position.

"It's about Patton and prom, so if you two could please hold off on the teasing until you two are in private," I sighed, rubbing my temple. A migraine was starting to form.

"That's two weeks away," Remy said.

"Better to be prepared," I told him. "I also have no clue how prom works but I know Patton wants to go."

"Patton definitely wants to go to prom," Emile said. "And it's not that big a deal. Just ask him."

"What if he says no?" I mumbled.

"Boy have you lost your goddamn mind 'cause I'll help ya find it!" Remy screamed. "Patton fucking loves you!"

"Logan's scared," Emile chastised him. "You just have to ask Patton. We all know he'll say yes."

"But then what?" I asked. "Do I buy him a corsage?"

"I think Patton would like something like that," Emile told me. "He likes forget-me-note, roses, daisies and lilies. If that helps."

"It does," I whispered. "Thank you very much."

"It's not problem," Emile said happily.

"And then you get to dance the night away with the love of your life," Remy added.

I could already imagine it. Dancing slowly with Patton. How beautiful he'll look. How happy I'll be to be there with him.

That's when my door slammed opened. I looked over to see my parents. They looked to be upset or mad about something.

Father headed towards me and put a strong hand on my shoulder. There was a grim look in his eye.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"We told you we'd fix you," Father said in a stern voice. "This is for your own good, son."

Before I could react, he roughly pulled me up. My phone dropped from my hand and I faintly heard Emile and Remy yelling for me.

Father dragged me from my room and down towards the front door. I stumbled a few times. Mother followed closely behind so that I didn't escape.

Confusion and fear filled me as they forced me into the back of Father's car. In a instant, a painful feeling of pure terror filled my chest.

I don't know of understand what's going on. Before I could gather my surroundings, we were already driving.

The entire car ride, I kept asking where they were taking me. But neither of them answered me. I could see tears in Mother's eyes.

After a good hour of driving along an old side road, we reached a building. It was a large one story building. I could see other people my age, some even younger, milling around slowly in hospital gowns.

We passed a sign along the long driveway up to this building. A jolt of panic struck my heart as I read it.

The Merciful Hope Reformatory School
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination," Leviticus 18:22
All sinners will be saved here

Father parked the car in front of the building. I could barely even register what was happening. Before I knew it, I was being roughly pulled from the car by two older men.

They dragged my towards the building while I kicked and screamed for them to let me go. I tried my best but they still dragged me inside and down a long hallway.

I don't even remember when I started crying. I passed many others along the way, looking at me with sympathy.

Eventually we reached an officer room. I was forced to sit down in a cold metal chair. A middle aged woman sat at the desk in a large plush seat.

"Welcome Logan," She said with a sly smile. "Don't worry. You'll be fixed and free of these sinful homosexual thoughts of yours soon."

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