Everything is fine when your hand is resting next to mine

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This was the funniest threat I have ever read

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This was the funniest threat I have ever read

I genuinely want to die and I honestly don't know how much longer I can keep going

TRIGGER WARNINGS : talks about what happened to roman, slightly angst, epilepsy mention

Roman POV
It's been almost a week now since the accident. I've yet to go a single day without getting a horrible migraine at the end of the day.

There's a lot of rules I have to follow now to help my concussion. I have to mostly stay in the dark, the terrible horrible scary darkness. Thankfully I have Virgil to hold onto when it have to be in the dark.

Another annoying thing is that I can't look a digital screens. So know phones. No tv. It really fucking sucks.

Luckily today has been one week since the accident.  I technically shouldn't be on my phone, but at least I don't have to sit in the dark for hours on end now.

Thought I do have to be on a strict diet now since mom and dad found out I haven't been eating.  Virgil's also almost always eating meals with me to make sure I eat. 

But I also wasn't able to perform the musical next day for the second show. The director even had to cancel the show. The stage was damaged from the light and the catwalk was all messed up.

Issac being the idiot he is, obviously didn't know how to free a light. He cut many wires, ropes and even managed to dismantle a few chains. I'm more surprised he didn't start a fire.

The only good thing that has happened recently was getting to watch Issac go to jail. He got charged with attempted homicide and illegal drug dealing and possession.

A lot of happiness filled me when I watched him get dragged kicking and screaming away after the sentence was read.

I'm not sure how Remus is reacting to it.  Everyone went to the trial.  Remus and his boyfriends sat towards the back. 

Quinn was obviously terrified to be back in a court house, he looked ready to have an episode at any second. But I've noticed he's very devoted to the people he cares about. 

Back to the present, prom is now officially in one week.  I have seven days.  That means I need to ask Virgil as soon as possible and help him buy a suit.  Or a dress.  He can wear what he wants to prom. 

Virgil is currently hanging out with Quinn, Evan, Emile and Patton last time I checked.  The pastel beans decided to take the emo beans on a day trip to the art museum and then out for dinner.

He'll be back pretty soon.  Which meant I'm frantically putting my idea together.  It's sunset as of right now.  I'm on the back deck, trying to light candles despite the wind.

I sat the poster and the roses on the ground a few feet from the door.  After much debate, I eventually decided on a mix of purple and red roses. I finally got the candles to light and I spread some rose petals along the deck. 

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